tem is used to prioritize and schedule production across manufacturing processes, machine capacity and labors resources. 雀巢调度系统用于对生产过程、机器容量和劳动力资源进行优先排序和调度。
NESTLÉ Scheduling System automates clerical tasks and enables timely and consistent production scheduling. 雀巢调度系统自动化了文书工作,实现了及时一致的生产调度。
NESTLÉ Scheduling System enables forecasting and planning of manufacturing resource requirements and capacity utilization. 雀巢调度系统能够预测和规划制造资源需求和产能利用率。
This is to conserve resources, boost productivity and minimize production costs. 这是为了节约资源,提高生产率,最大限度地降低生产成本。
NESTLÉ Scheduling System enables planning and tracking of manufacturing orders across multiple areas of processing. 雀巢调度系统能够跨多个加工区域规划和跟踪生产订单。
Priorities for production scheduling are assigned for each processing area on each shift. This is to boost customer service. 每班为每个加工区分配生产调度的优先级。这是为了促进客户服务。
NESTLÉ Scheduling System enables different areas of the enterprise to centralize production scheduling information. 雀巢调度系统使企业的不同领域能够集中生产调度信息。
Superior Quality Water 优质水
Superior Quality Water means implementing high standards to guarantee 100% safety and consistent taste to the consumer.
Delivering Consistency 提供一致性
production chain 生产链
Since bottled water has a direct impact on human health because public will consume the bottled water, so it must meet the strictest health standards.
The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is the main leader in this field in the United States. Together with the Safe & Drinking Water Act, they sets specific standards for different types of bottled water which applies to all types of drinking water. This is to determine the maximum mineral and microbiological levels that the product must meet the quality tests that must be used.
épar quality control épar质量控制
As a world leader in the sector, FDA has their own quality criteria that apply to local regulations that are lacking especially in developing countries.
In addition, FDA also fulfills consumers’ demand, whose demanded water with unique properties, which is achieved through a careful selection of underground sources so consumers may enjoy their natural mineral composition and unique taste characteristics. They also guarantee it is used in a sustainable way which undergoes no chemical treatments, with no disinfectants or preservatives added to it.
Selective Origin 选择性起源
When you choose water from Nestlé Company, you know where the water you’re drinking comes from.
The majority of Nestlé Waters comes from underground sources. Unlike surface water (lakes, rivers and streams), water from underground sources undergoes natural geological filtration that removes chemical pollutants and microbiological and viral contaminants. How effective this filtration is does depend on the aquifer, its geological characteristics, the depth of the water table and even the amount of time that it takes a drop of rain to reach it. In the case of the English mineral water Buxton, the journey through the underground stone takes nearly 20 million years.
The original quality of the water and its ability to be preserved over time are very carefully monitored in their Water Resource department and carefully assessed whenever they consider using any new sources. But the absence of all pollution is only one of the aspects that Nestlé Waters looks at when selecting water sources.