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Case Study范文:Quality Control Management of Nestle

日期:2022年01月12日 编辑:ad202102010900248522 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2648
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202201081331309505 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
Steps of Quality Assurance 质量保证步骤
Plan: Establish objectives and processes required to deliver the desired results. 计划:建立交付预期结果所需的目标和过程。
Do: Implement the process developed. 执行:实施制定的流程。
Check: Monitor and evaluate the implemented process by testing the results against the predetermined objectives 检查:通过对照预定目标测试结果,监控和评估已实施的过程
Act: Apply actions necessary for improvement if the results require changes. 措施:如果结果需要更改,则采取必要的改进措施。Quality Improvement 质量改进
Quality improvement is a continuous improving of quality in manufacturing goods or services. There are various models used and there is some quite often discussed which is:
Six Sigma (DMAIC)
CQI: Continuous Quality Improvement
TQM: Total Quality Management
FADE There are 4 broad steps to the FADE QI model:  FADE QI模型有4个主要步骤:
FOCUS: Define and verify the process to be improved 重点:定义和验证需要改进的流程
ANALYZE: Collect and analyze data to establish baselines, identify root causes and point toward possible solutions 分析:收集和分析数据以建立基线,确定根本原因并指出可能的解决方案
DEVELOP: Based on the data, develop action plans for improvement, including implementation, communication, and measuring/monitoring 制定:根据数据,制定改进行动计划,包括实施、沟通和测量/监控
EXECUTE: Implement the action plans, on a pilot basis as indicated, and 执行:按照指示在试点基础上实施行动计划,以及
EVALUATE: Install an ongoing measuring/monitoring (process control) system to ensure success. 评估:安装持续测量/监控(过程控制)系统以确保成功。
Another commonly used QI model is the PDSA cycle:  另一个常用的QI模型是PDSA循环:
PLAN: Plan a change or test of how something works. 计划:计划改变或测试某物的工作方式。
DO: Carry out the plan. 执行计划。
STUDY: Look at the results. What did you find out? 研究:看看结果。你发现了什么?
ACT: Decide what actions should be taken to improve. 行动:决定应该采取什么行动来改进。
Repeat as needed until the desired goal is achieved  根据需要重复,直到达到预期目标
Six Sigma 六西格玛
Another model for improvement is Six Sigma. Six sigma is a statistical method based on the quality control process to improve the product process and service.
Six sigma refers to the statistical evaluation showed that the rate of 3.4 errors per million products.  六西格玛是指统计评价表明,每百万件产品的错误率为3.4。
To complete the process of improvement, there are two model used in Six Sigma: DMAIC and DMADV.  为了完成改进过程,六西格玛中使用了两种模型:DMAIC和DMADV。
DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) also pronounced, as “duh-may-ick” is an improvement system by minimize the defect in quality of product process and service and looking for incremental improvement.
DMAIC(定义、测量、分析、改进、控制)也被称为“duh may ick”,是一种通过最小化产品过程和服务质量缺陷并寻求增量改进的改进系统。
DMADV (define, measure, analyze, design, verify) also pronounced, as “duh-mad-vee” is an improvement system used to develop new processor products at Six Sigma quality levels.
DMADV(定义、测量、分析、设计、验证)也被称为“duh mad vee”,是一种改进系统,用于开发六西格玛质量水平的新处理器产品。Total Quality Management (TQM) 全面质量管理(TQM)
TQM is a quality management process that change the whole organization based on customer oriented quality, continuous improvement, organizational involvement in processes and solving a problem in a team. This will fulfilled the customer requirement by producing the product and service, which exceeds the customer needs.
In total quality management, the customer determines the quality of output. The output with the high quality will meet the requirement and expectation of customer. From managing outcomes to managing and improving processes there are shifting in focus: from what to do to how to do the processes better. Quality performance expands to include how well the relationship of each part to the process and each part of the process works. Also, process improvement focuses on continuously achieving the greatest potential benefit for our customers.
在全面质量管理中,客户决定产品的质量。高质量的输出将满足客户的要求和期望。从管理成果到管理和改进流程,重点正在转移:从做什么到如何更好地完成流程。质量绩效扩展到包括各部分与流程的关系以及流程各部分的工作情况。此外,流程改进的重点是不断为客户实现最大的潜在利益。   &nb