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case study英文模板5例

日期:2020年03月08日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:17421
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002241318481453 论文字数:10235 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction

Case study,也就是案例分析,对于我们留学生来说,就是对个案进行分析研究的论文写作的一种,在欧美学院里经常需要写案例分析。Case study通过让学生经过一段时间针对特定的某个个例(此处的个例并非特指,可能是一个人、一个行业、一个公司等等),提出自己的经过观察想到的相对有价值的现实问题,并此开头部分就提出结论,然后经过一定深度的理论分析,且整个分析过程要条理清晰,得出一个或一套特定的解决方案。而这其中,你对真个问题的展开剖析的逻辑过程,是老师真正想重点看到的。

和国内的大学不一样,国外的老师不时就会布置让你写一篇case study,这对常年沉浸在中国教育的不少留学生来说可能还是不太习惯。其中,读MBA的同学们平时接触应该是特别多的,很多人也都常常感觉无从下手,或者洋洋洒洒写了一大堆却从老师那里得不了理想的评分。怎么才能写好case study是令很多中国留学生头疼的现实问题。

下面我们附上5例精彩的case study英文模板,希望能给大家带来写作的收获:

 case study模板

case study英文模板例1

1. Problems and Solutions on Product Diversity

Firstly, there are two types of products of China Spice provided, cooked dishes and drinks. China Travel (2018) pointed that Sichuan cuisine is spicy and oily and the acceptability of Sichuan food of different groups is quite different. It has a limited audience, so the acceptance is a problem. For this issue, China Spice can take some solutions. Jelinek (1979) illustrated that business can gain more information through marketing test so that more customers can be attracted. Therefore, China Spice can do some marketing research and acquire some customers’ feedback to understand customers’ tastes and needs. Based on the information, it can do some adjustments. At the same time, in the consideration of health, the restaurant can make some low-calorie recipes with less oil and salt. Secondly, for selling drinks, it is obvious that single types of beverage cannot attract customers effectively. China Spice can solve the problems by increasing product diversity. For example, China Spice can make a variety of beverages, including milk tea, bubble tea, fruit tea and more. In this way, in addition to the peak hours of having meals, customers can treat here as a place for drinking. To sum up, China Spice can increase the types of products in order to attract more customers.

2. Problems and Solutions of Supply Chain

China Spice can meet the problems on supplier selection. Now, the suppliers are wholesales or retailers who are responsible for serving large amounts of meat, vegetables and seafood every day. The restaurant industry relies heavily on the sales chain, which can have huge impact if it breaks suddenly. As a result, China Spice should compare the price and quality of many suppliers and find out the one with the highest cost performance. Then, a long-term contract can be signed and China Spice also needs to sign an emergency agreement with another supplier, in case the daily supplier cannot deliver goods on time under some special conditions. Moreover, China Spice needs a seafood supply, and the prices of seafood fluctuate greatly, which is likely to lead customers’ dissatisfaction. Therefore, the contract signed by China Spice should set the prices of seafood and try to keep the prices stable.

3. Problems and Solutions on the Changes of External Environment

The changes on external environment, including policies, laws, technology and competitors, can affect the sales (Jones et al., 2005). In short terms, there will be no dramatic changes in regulations and technology, but the competitors may have many changes. The entry threshold of catering market is relatively low. In order to occupy the market, China Spice should have sufficient competitive advantages. The competitors can be divided into two groups. The one is offering different and more attractive types of cuisine, and the other one is offering similar food but in better quality, price and flavors. To cope with this situation, China Spice needs to get more market information and integrate them. What is more, when competing with rivals, besides paying attention to the dishes themselves, the restaurant can improve the way of advertising. Facing to the fierce competition, the restaurant can attract customers through more channels, such as social media platform, because more than half of people tend to find brands and restaurants through the Internet (Rapp et al., 2013). By increasing social media exposure, the visibility of the restaurant can be increased.

4. Problems and Solutions on I