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How to analyse a case study(Case study 的写作技巧)

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1982
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201205251507468605 论文字数:2541 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction

Case study 的写作技巧(由留学生论文帮写中心帮写留学生论文专家解析提供指导)
How to analyse a case study
Easton , G 1982, Learning from Case studies, Prentice-Hall, London.
Mort, P, Cross, J & Downey, T 2002, ‘ Writing a case study report in engineering’, The Learning Centre, The University of New South Wales, viewed 28 August 2002.
Paull, M 1998, ‘Analysing Case Studies’, Edith Cowan University.
Spurr, I , Forrester, J & Shaw, H 1987, Business Case Studies: An Integrated Skills Approach, Pitman Publishing, London.
Willings, J 1986, How to Use the Case Study In Training For Decision Making, Business Publications Limited, London.

Once you have read the case study and thought about some of the factors in the case, you should be ready to analyse the problem and clarify the issues.

§  Define the central problem or problems. A problem can be defined as the difference between what the situation is and what the ideal might be (Easton 1982, p. 8). An example of a problem would be a fall in profits of a company.

§  Clarify the issues by making a list of the significant aspects of the central problem and the causes and consequences of the problem.

§  Determine the organisation’s successes and failures in relation to the case and the communication processes that are operating within the organisation (Mort, Cross & Downey 2002).

§  Apply an analysis tool that you think may be useful, for example SWOT, PEST or Force Field. It is a good idea to explain and justify why you chose the particular analysis tool. As an example, in a SWOT analysis you would distinguish the strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats, within the case. In a given case, an example of a strength would be a high profit margin; a weakness could be poor hiring practices; a threat might be limited distribution and an opportunity could be new environmental standards.

§  Identify any information gaps. You can make some assumptions about missing information as long as you identify these clearly. Write a statement about any assumptions you have made for use in your final analysis e.g. ‘It is assumed that Jane’s manager had consulted her before proceeding with the negotiations’.

Gather Information

Once you understand the case, the behaviour of individuals and how decisions have influenced events, you will need to link these to concepts, theories and models you have studied. In your writing you must demonstrate the application of theories in developing your analysis so that you are able to really explain why and how situations have developed instead of just describing the situation.

§  Select the relevant concepts, theories and models that you feel will help you to analyse the problem further e.g. ‘communication barriers’; ‘resistance to change’.

§  Organise these into headings that you can use to make a plan for your assignment.

§  Use these headings to search your lecture notes and tutorial questions, the index of text books, a library catalogue or a data base for material which will help you to analyse the information presented in the case study. Read this material and take notes, being careful to keep a record of all sources of information so that you can reference your discussion.

Make recommendations

You will probably need to use a problem-solving process to decide on the recommendations. First outline the alternative courses of action available to solve the problem. Then list the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action. When you evaluate these alternatives, be careful to use the same criteria for each evaluation so that they can be compared (e.g. cost, resources, time frame). You can make predictions as to what would happen if each of your alternatives were to be adopted. You will then be ready to make a set of recommendations.

In making recommendations, remember the following steps.

§  Select your preferred course of action and clearly explain your reasons for selecting this particular option. For example, you might recommen