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通用汽车公司管理策略案例研究case study

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201405131543434640 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2649
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201503141613049718 论文字数:6262 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis

通用汽车公司管理策略案例研究case study


通用公司破产回顾和改组计划——A Review of the Collapse of General Motors and Plans for Reorganization


文献回顾——Literature Review



General Motors was once the most powerful company in the U.S. Over time the company has experienced many financial highs and lows. This paper reviews the history of General Motors and analyzes the elements that contribute to one of the largest bankruptcy cases in U.S history. These elements include the role the United Auto Workers had on the failure of GM, along with the impact of rising health care costs. Management decisions that were detrimental to the company and their effect on the company’s profits will also be reviewed. The new GM strategy will be analyzed, and the reader will have a good understanding if the new company will be successful or not. This paper will give the reader a broad review of events that contributed to the collapse of GM and the new direction the company is heading.

通用公司破产回顾和改组计划——A Review of the Collapse of General Motors and Plans for Reorganization


General Motors (GM) was once the world’s largest automobile manufacturer. The history of GM is filled with financial highs and lows from the time the company was founded in 1908 through 2009 when the company filed for bankruptcy protection. This paper reviews the history of GM from 1908 through 2009 and discusses the elements that contributed to one of the largest bankruptcy cases in U.S history. The elements to be discussed include the struggles with Unions, Rising cost of health care, management decisions, brand management, and company investments. The “New GM Strategy” will also be reviewed and analyzed giving a better understanding of the new direction of the company.

文献回顾——Literature Review



According to Berg (2005), GM was founded in 1908 in Flint, Michigan as a holding company for Buick and was controlled by William Durant. Durant realized the future of transportation was evolving from horse-drawn carriages to the automobile. Although most automobile companies were having financial difficulty due to the market decline of 1907, Durant made the decision to purchase Oldsmobile within the first year of business (Berg, 2005). Then acquired Cadillac and Oakland which was later renamed Pontiac (Halliday, 2009).These were the first brands that formed GM (Berg).

William Durant liked to take risks while running his business. Durant’s business style took GM to great financial highs as well as financial distress. In 1910, bankers removed Durant from the company to prevent the financial collapse of GM (Press, 2009). However, in the following year GM stepped into the international market to overcome their financial torment. This enabled the company to create the General Motors Export Company which controlled sales outside of the United States and Canada (Berg, 2005).

After Durant was forced out of GM, he worked eagerly to form another company known as Chevrolet. However, Durant was able to regain power at GM when the company purchased Chevrolet in 1918. During this time, Cadillac thrived, enabling GM to become very powerful (Berg, 2005).Even with all of GM’s success, they were still impacted by America’s post-World War I recession. In 1920, Durant resigned and left the company for the second time (Halliday, 2009).

During the great economic successes of the 1920's, GM became again very successful. Automobile sales reached $4.5 million, and the auto industry had three major competitors: GM, Ford and Chrysler (Berg, 2005). GM saw a brief period when the competition