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帮写case study之Assessment item 1- Group case study Assignment-assessment

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011041017385627 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1622
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201202071035312353 论文字数:1421 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study

Assessment item 1- Group case study Assignment This assignment is part of the continuous assessment and feedback.  It is a group assignment with a maximum of three students. Please note again that as this is a group assignment and all students in the group are expected to work together and to contribute equitably. It is worth 15 % of total marks in this course and each student in a particular group will score same mark.


This assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes stated in part B of the course guide. Your report should demonstrate ability to access online corporate information and analysis of accounting information. This assignment will involve the use of corporate annual reports, analysis the relevant information provided within the reports, compare and contrast the information with the requirement of relevant accounting standards and finally reporting your observations and conclusion.


Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. RMIT’s policy on Plagiarism is available at RMIT website.



Tasks involved

1. Choose the latest annual report for any one of the following companies

Select the latest annual report of one of the following companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.  Answer assignment questions for the company selected:

1. Amcor Limited
2. Coca-Cola Amatil
3. Computershare Limited
4. Harvey Norman Holdings
5. Minerals Corporation Limited
6. Oz Minerals Limited
7. Santos Limited
8. Stirling Products Limited
9. Telstra Corporation
10. Transpacific Industries Group Ltd
11. AGL Energy
12. Woodside

• All annual reports are available on the database of RMIT library website as well as on the website of these companies.
• Choosing a company other than those mentioned above is not permitted.
• All accounting standards are available on online database or these standards can also be accessed on AASB web site.


2. Draft a report incorporating the following points in relation to your selected company (not exceeding 2,500 words).

Company- Introduction, Business & operating activities, Finances and Financial performance

• Describe the core business of the company. Provide full details of its different activities and or business segments.
• Discuss the industry that the chosen company operates in.  For example, is it a growing or declining industry, which are the main competitors and what are they doing, etc.  Ensure you discuss the implications of these factors. 
• How the company is funded vis-à-vis internal or external sources? Discuss the composition of its share capital and debt structure.
• Discuss key elements of Financial Performance reported by the company in the Director’s report.
• What are the major changes in operating activities identified in the director’s report?
• Has this company reported any event that occurred after the reporting date? Describe the event.
• Were there any changes in accounting policies disclosed in the annual report? If yes, describe those changes.

     Assets – PPE and Intangibles

• Discuss key elements within  ‘Property, plant and Equipments’
• How does the disclosure of Fixed Assets/Property Plant and Equipments compare with the requirements of the relevant accounting standards? Discuss company’s accounting policies in relation to ‘Property, plant and Equipments’
• Identify the intangible assets reported by the company. Discuss their composition and relevance to the company’s business.
• Are any intangible assets subject to impairment?  If so, list them.
• Hoe does the disclosure of