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变革型领导风格和组织文化研究case study

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201405131543434640 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2390
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201408191702596440 论文字数:5175 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:代写essay essay



This quantitative research investigates the relationship between transformational leadership style organizational culture with organizational commitment and job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. The literature supported the relationship between these variables and the relationship between these variables was investigated by different approaches. However, in the current study the researcher uses transformational leadership style which introduced by Bass as a independent variable and four types of organizational culture such as Clan, Hierarchy, Adhocracy, Market and which introduced by Cameron and Quinn in 1999 as a mediator variable, while the three dimensions of organizational commitment such as Affective, Normative and Continuance commitment which introduced by Meyer and Allen in 1991 and job satisfaction as dependent variables.

The objectives of this research are Firstly, to determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Secondly, to determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Thirdly, to determine the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocratic) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Fourthly, to determine the effect of Organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocratic) on the relationship between transformational leadership style with organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) in National Oil Corporation in Libya. fifthly, to determine the effect of Organizational culture (Clan, Market, hierarchy and adhocratic) on the relationship between transformational leadership style with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. Lastly, to determine the nature of the relationship between organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance) with job satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya.

To achieve these aims four instruments will use in this research such as Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) uses to test employee opinions about leadership style, Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) uses to measure Organizational Culture, (TCOCQ) Three Components Organizational Commitment Questionnaire uses to measure Organizational Commitment and (JSS) Job Satisfaction Survey to measure Job Satisfaction in National Oil Corporation in Libya. The pilot study asserted that these instruments were suitable for this research because the result of the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients for the transformational leadership style, organizational culture, organizational commitment and job satisfaction are more than 0.70.

The nature of the data and the relationship between the method and the research objectives are considered as the basis for selecting the right statistical methods. Therefore, this study used what is relevant to the research question and framework. The statistical methods will be used in this study consist of Descriptive analysis, Inferential analysis, Correlation, and Multiple linear regression. The findings from this study will also provide some useful information of leadership style in oil sector in Libya to many researchers and managers with the opportunity to gain and enhance their knowledge in this field, and will be contribute building knowledge and an understanding in this field in National Oil Corporation in Libya insha Allah.