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case study模板(case study template)5例

日期:2020年03月08日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:9716
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002241308098690 论文字数:9142 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction

Case Study也就是案例分析,是国外留学的同学们平时经常要写的一类作业,也是写起来不少同学深感难度非常大的作业。Case Study在全文开头提出你的结论,然后再针对特定的研究对象进行有理有据的深入分析,老师通过案例分析的写作更注重看的是你对个案的分析过程呈现,而不是你的观点又多新奇先进,全文末尾做分析总结提出你最优的解决方案。其中整个分析过程是很有讲究的,展开分析时逻辑性连贯,有理有据条理清楚,千万不要天马行空想到什么写什么,你的核心论点要抓住,下面所有的展开都一定要围绕。

其实在社会各界有许多不同的针对进行各个领域个案进行研究的Case Study,其中商业和学术上的case study是我们常见的。商业案例分析主要是围绕企业和顾客的关系效应进行案例分析,以借此来提升公司的进一步发展。而留学生可能经常要做偏学术的Case Study,例如通过对小部分个例或者是一个人,并经过一段时间的观察分析,最终撰写出预期的分析报告。

下面我们准备了5篇比较有代表性的case study模板,同学们可以重点参考下作者是如何展开逻辑分析的:

 case study模板

case study模板例1:


Dell organization was built up in November 4, 1984. It is an American multinational data innovation company situated in Round Rock, Texas, United States, that creates, offers and backings PCs and related items and administrations. The organization is one of the biggest innovative enterprises on the planet, utilizing more than 103,300 individuals around the world. The name of its founder  is Michael Dell. He was the most youthful CEO to direct an organization to a Fortune 500 positioning. It generates an income of USD 63.07 billion yearly. The company manufactures desktop computers, notebook computers, network servers, work stations, storage products and customization of each product with the suppliers being Microsoft for windows, Intel for microprocessors, Nvidia for graphics chips and Sony for the monitors.

As discussed in the case study, Dell keeps up a decent connection with the provider (supplier) and help them to center on the innovative capacities to support initiative segments in the light of the fact that in the realm of quick change in the innovation , research and development expenses are roughly significantly higher for a company to keep up monopoly in their segment. This is the reason that suppliers are asked to keep a lot sizes and stock as low as reasonably be expected. Dell always focus on its customer research and use that research to help suppliers and itself. As far as inventory details and new orders are concerned, Dell has build a web page , where suppliers can view order details and can plan how much and when to provide the product to dell based on actual demand of the consumer, which will decreases the bullwhip effect on supplier end. The main motive of the dell is to work with supplier as a team and to reduce the customer order line and to keep moving the Supply Chain. At that point with the joint efforts of the whole provider`s, Dell can provide a large variety of alternatives to their clients and can work to accomplish a quick throughput.


If we see on the distribution side dell is mainly dependent on direct sales through internet, in order to enhance income by offerings large varieties of desktops, notebooks and enterprises products. All these are displayed on company's websites and customers can directly purchase from it. Even customers can place order from anywhere at any time. On comparing online and retail dell computer purchase, online is cheaper because of the brick and mortar model. In dell company whenever the new product is manufactured at the same time it is introduced over the company`s website. Whereas the competing companies firstly produces the product and then introduce the product after it reaches the retail store for selling. That is why Dell has an advantage of introducing new product early in the market, said to be first mover advantage.


Dell company has designed its manufacturing and assembling process in such a way that product is manufactured in a couple of minutes. In this way earlier production can be postpone and new product can be manufactured according to the order received and once new product is manufactured, the postpone production again starts. As it offers modularity and tight scheduling. Whereas the other companies sell their products through retailers and wholesalers and they find impossible to postpone production.


The best part is that due to direct sales dell company eliminates the extr