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分析美国和中国之间企业文化的比较:GE和海尔为例-A Case Study of GE and Haier

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1923
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201407151440344388 论文字数:13578 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

This year is the 41th year of US President Nixon`s visit to China and the establishment of SINO-US diplomatic ties after the World War Ⅱ.  Because of the world economic globalization development, more and more companies from the two countries grow its economic strength and scale in the severe market competition and become a global group company. Such as Haier, GE, Lenovo, Motorola, Apple, a series of well-known US and Chinese multi-national corporation name and its products have already covered every aspect of Chinese people lives. We may ask ourselves a question: How these enterprises operate and generate profit with different management and culture styles in relatively unified social and economic environment.今年是美国总统尼克松访问中国并建立了二战Ⅱ后的中美外交关系的第41年。因为世界经济全球化的发展,从而两国越来越多的公司发展其经济实力和规模在激烈的市场竞争中并成为一个全球性集团公司。如海尔,GE,联想,摩托罗拉,苹果等一系列知名的美国和中国的跨国公司名称和其产品已经涵盖中国人的生活各方面。我们可能会问自己一个问题:如何将这些企业经营及产生的利润在不同的管理和文化风格的社会和经济环境做相对统一。 
Through find out the culture difference from China and US and compare the organization culture between GE and Haier. It shows that corporate culture is very important to the enterprise. The company cannot sustain growth if the managers only pay attention to business performance without organization culture. Although China has experienced decades of economic growth in leaps and bounds. However, compare with United States, the development of the corporate culture is still stuck in sloganeering, no real growth. However, compared with United States, there is no real growth development of the corporate culture. It is still stuck in sloganeering.
There are many small and medium enterprises in China are like family businesses, and compared to the U.S. enterprise with system specification. It is weakness in competitiveness and execution. Improve entrepreneurship degree of importance of corporate culture and find effective ways to improve corporate culture is very important.


Recognition must be given to my supervisor – Anna Lassila, who assisted me in the preparation of this dissertation. She gave me constant inspiration, encouragement and support. Thanks to her hard work and dedication, this dissertation has been completed. Secondly, this thesis is dedicated to my parents, Mr. & Mrs. Fang, who have invested in my education and their advice from childhood till now. Finally, a big thank you to all persons gave me helps in my dissertation. 




1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 3
2.1 The Definition of Corporate Culture 3
2.5 Organizational Culture and Effectiveness 7
2.6 Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) 8
3. Methodology 11
3.1 Research Philosophy 11
3.2 Research Approach 11
3.3 Data Collection 12
3.4 Data Collection Methods 13
3.5 Limitation 13
4. Findings and Analysis 13
4.1 Composition of Corporate Culture 13
4.2 Analysis and Comparison of the Corporate Cultures and Management Modes of GE and Haier. 17
4.2.1 Corporate Culture and Management Mode of GE 18
4.2.2 Corporate Culture and Management Mode of Haier 21
4.3.4 The Characteristics of Chinese Corporate Culture 32
4.4 The Relationship between Corporate Culture and Management Mode 33
5. Conclusion 35
6. Recommendation 37
7. Appendices 39
8. Reference………………………………………………………………………………42


41 years have gone by since the Sino-US diplomatic relations was formally established in 1972 when Nixon's first visit to China after the World War II. China has become the second largest economy in the world through the reform and opening up in the last three decades. With the development of the globalized economy, more and more companies in China and the United States have developed into transnational companies by strengthening their economic strength and expanding their size in the market competition. A number of transnational companies in China and the United States, such as Haier, GE, Lenovo, Motorola and Apple, have already penetrated into our daily lives. Meanwhile, this situation