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马来西亚国家石油公司case study

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201405131543434640 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2261
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201409141244072484 论文字数:3623 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:马来西亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:作业/作文 composition

全球化对马来西亚国家石油公司的实际和潜在的影响case study

我选择的公司是马来西亚国家石油公司, 是一个总部位于马来西亚的跨国石油公司。本文将首先概述公司的背景,然后讨论了全球化对这个公司的实际和潜在影响。在文章的最后一部分给该公司提出了可能会用到的应对影响的战略建议。


跨国企业的定义是一个大公司拥有大量的资源,位于多个国家的子公司和附属公司网来执行各种业务活动。(Cavusgil, Knight& Riesenberger, p.13)。

马来西亚国家石油公司,缩写为PETRONAS,是一个总部设在马来西亚吉隆坡的跨国公司,根据1965年的公司法,其成立于1974年8月17日。马来西亚国家石油公司享有完全的所有权,并且控制着这个国家的石油资源 (马来西亚国家石油公司,2010年)。在Tan Sri Hassan Marican,的领导下,马来西亚国家石油公司迅速转变为石油勘探和与海外合作伙伴合作的业务合资全球性公司。

Actual and potential impacts of globalisation on Petronas

The company of my choice is PETRONAS, the petroleum Multinational Corporation based in Malaysia. The paper will outlined the background of the company followed by identification of the actual and potential impacts of globalisation on the company. Recommendation of strategies which the company might use to respond to the impacts is covered in the last part of the paper.

1.0 Overview of PETRONAS

Multinational enterprise is defined as a large company with substantial resources that perform various business activities through a network of subsidiaries and affiliated located in multiple countries. (Cavusgil, Knight& Riesenberger, p.13).

PETRONAS, the acronym for Petroliam Nasional Berhad is a petroleum multinational corporation headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which was incorporated on 17 August 1974 under the Companies Act, 1965. It is national oil company of Malaysia, vested with the entire ownership and control of the petroleum resources in the country (PETRONAS, 2010). Under the leadership of Tan Sri Hassan Marican, PETRONAS is transformed rapidly into a global company with oil explorations and business joint ventures with overseas partners. Over the years of effort, it has become a fully-integrated oil and gas corporation with operations in more than 30 countries worldwide and ranked among FORTUNE Global 500? largest corporations in the world (PETRONAS, 2010).

1.1 Integrated business of PETRONAS

PETRONAS is fully integrated across the value chain from the upstream exploration, development, production, processing, and transportation and gas transmission to the marketing of liquefied natural gas and other petroleum products as shown in Figure 1.0. PETRONAS also involved in domestic refining, petrochemical manufacturing and marketing business, while managing a globally coordinated downstream operation designed to optimize product delivery to its customers through its marketing and trading operation (PETRONAS Capital, 2009). PETRONAS also engage in shipping, automotive engineering and property investment.

Figure 1 Integrated Business of PETRONAS

Source: PETRONAS Annual Report 2010

1.2 Petroleum as the Core Business of PETRONAS

Petroleum is the core business of PETRONAS because refined petroleum products account for 37% of the company total revenue amounting to RM80.7 billion (PETRONAS, 2010). Exports and domestic operation contributed 35% and 19.7% of PETRONAS’s total revenue respectively which bring positive balance of payments to Malaysia (PETRONAS, 2010). Thailand, Japan, Korea and Singapore has been the main crude oil export countries of Malaysia which account for 87% whereas over 40% of gas was exported to markets in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, most of the remainder used domestically for electricity generation (Malaysia Green Technology Corporation, 2010).

Figure 2 PETRONAS Composition Revenue 2010

Source: PETRONAS Annual Report 2010

The international operations are as important to PETRONAS which generated 45.3% (RM98.1 billion) of the company total revenue. PETRONAS’s production are mainly comes from Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Chad, Egypt, Sudan, Mauritania, Iran, Pakistan and Turkmenistan. Africa remains to be the company’s prominent operation region which contributed 57.7% of the company international production followed by South East Asia (25.1%) & Oceania and Middle East & Asia (17.2%).

1.3 Organisational Structure of PETRONAS

Figure 3 Organization structure of PETRONAS
