ver, there are problems concerning the extent to which diversity plans are fully thought through (decision alternatives are not properly developed and evaluated to arrive at the best option for change) and the extent to which the impactdecisions on the chosen variety of other areas of operation is envisaged.For example, some research participants said that they had taken the decision to employ staff nonnational they did not consider the impact this would have on existing national staff.As will be seen by a participant in the research of these organizations now dealing with a whole new set of challenges to the extent that “they have to manage how employees react India” Although the study indicates an evolution towards the decision of thediversity within the area there are questions as to the whole scope and range of decisions (necessary to ensure compliance and effectively manage diversity) may not be in place. For example, organizations invest in Mayresources in training their own employees on diversity issues, but they neglect to ensure that contract staff employed by other agencies (such as door staff) received training sufficient diversity or are not evenaware of the diversity of organizations / equality policies. If this contract staffs are involved in an incident at the diversity of the organization itself can diversity activities softer (such as holding interculturalor days of ethnic foods), but fail to take “difficult decisions diversity” around the developing diversity policy and training initiatives.
Finally, issues relating to the time perspective in current decision making diversity were raised.Because decision making diversity tends to be reactive the long-term perspective necessary to effectively manage diversity in the future may not be in place.For example, some hospitality students who attended the awareness sessions small provision has been made to ensure that students entering the industry are trained on diversity issues.
The imperatives of diversity: A number of questions were raised about the “diversity imperative”, which include the following: Research shows that while the host organizations have begun to assign responsibility for diversitydoes not appear to B happens on a broad base of organization or even holistic. For example, in diversity, some organizations is entirely administered by the HR staff or supervisors and as such does not form partall organizational roles. As reiterated by one participant: “I leave that to my managers and supervisors to manage”
Another problem for the industry centers on the development of reward and effective control structures around diversity.Research demonstrates that when people are not rewarded or controlled then the decision making or the diversity of behaviors effective diversity does not become a priority for these people.As reiterated by a research participant
Interfaces Diversity: A number of questions were raised about “diversity interfaces, which include the following: There is some evidence to suggest that those operating in the sector began to focus on the development ofcooperation on diversity. For example, some host organizations have established committees for diversit