The effect of 2008 Olympic Games on the tourism industry in Qingdao
论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
The effect of 2008 Olympic Games on the tourism industry in Qingdao
1. Background and justification for selection of topic
Tourism is the largest generator of wealth and employment in the world. Tourism is also the economic engine for developed and developing economies worldwide. The tourism industry constitutes 11 per cent of global GDP, supports 200 million jobs worldwide, 8 per cent of total employment. In the last three years, some 8.5 million jobs have been created as a result of growth in tourism. By 2010, the tourism economy contribution is estimated to grow to 12 per cent of global GDP, and will support 250 million jobs, 9 per cent of total employment (World Travel and Tourism Council).
China has become one of the world’s most important tourist destinations as the result of the rapid growth in its tourism since the economic reform policy in 1978. In 2002, it has received 65.3 million in bound tourists and earned an income of US$13.5 billion, reaching 3.48per cent of the world’s total tourism receipts. The direct output from China’s tourism industry accounted for 3.98 per cent of China’s total GNP and 6.1 per cent of its total export income.
With China winning the 2008 Olympic Games, the relationship between Chinese tourism industry and the 2008 Olympic Games has generated increasing interest among academics. Qingdao-a coast city, is one of the most famous tourist destinations in China. According to the report of Chinese government, its input of tourism industry ranked only 17th in China. As the sub-venue of 2008 Olympics Games, it will surely attract more foreign tourists and stimulate the development of its tourism. Evaluate and analysis the effects of the 2008 Olympic Games on tourism in Qingdao is our aims to this paper.
2. Literature review