1. The truly revolutionary impact of information revolution is the emergence of E-commerce.
2. The whole world is seeing the trend of globalization through the widespread of Internet.
3. We have to know how to use computer as a tool to deal with information instead of just knowing something about it.
4. The emergence of E-commerce is the major challenge to the traditional commerce.
5. People should understand the real situation of economy, so they can well adapt themselves to it through innovation.
6. In the information age, the work of CEO is more complex technically, economically and socially.
7. Entrepreneurship and innovation are different in the aspect of their functions in an institution and they should be discussed respectively in economic, social and political organizations.
8. In the field of employee relationship and management, the temps and PEOs are gaining their importance.
9. The financial sector needs reformation in order to be in line with the challenges of this time.
10. The economy can be sustainable only when there is equilibrium among the government, business and civil society.
11. Pluralism is needed for the institutions in this time, which means they have not only autonomy but also the willingness and ability to work with political authority for the common good.
12. With the globalization, the nation-state will exist with changes in domestic financial and monetary policies, foreign economic policies, control of international business and perhaps conduct of war.
13. It is the society instead of economy that comes first in the policy making.
14. The non-business, nongovernmental and nonprofit organizations are major forces in civilizing the city.
15. Predictions about the future is made form the social, economic and political aspects.