Asia to help leaders understand the Asian flavors so they can target exports to Asia (Nankervis et al, 2002)
在这方面可以举出许多组织的例子。例如,在澳大利亚,悉尼的日兴酒店有一个优势,即工作人员在用户直接连接的领域总共会说34种不同的语言。同样,澳航飞行餐饮公司的员工有66个国籍,其中不乏海外出生的领导人。如果承诺的话,各种“民族”美食为澳航提供了巨大的竞争优势,可以根据口味和民族客户的要求提供食物。此外,Don's Smallgoods通过识字、语言和文化培训增加了跨文化交流,增加了利润,同时降低了成本。同样,作为亚洲员工,奶酪蛋糕工厂也特别努力了解包装质量和日本文化,以帮助领导人了解亚洲风味,从而将出口目标定在亚洲
Hence the discussion suggests that it is important to realize that cultural diversity must be considered as a tool for better organizational progress rather than a management problem and if effectively managed, it can be a key to gain competitive advantage and success.
Like other industries in the hospitality sector is facing challenges of diversity and specific opportunities.In 2003, the Department of Commerce, Enterprise and Employment has issued more permits forty seven thousand workers, migrant workers, this was more than eleven and a half thousand different employers and workplaces.According to IBEC hotel and restaurant is the major employer of nationals NONEU with about 23% work in the area.This creates challenges in that the organizations should create and maintain workplaces that evoke a concept of fluidity in their organization will accept and take into account differences in humans.Achieving this requires leadership diversity, the diversity of organizational structures effective and successful planning and execution of decisions of diversity appropriate and timely.
Research: Through research, a number of focus groups were conducted at various locations throughout the country.These meetings brought together representatives of properties and organizations operating within (or connected to) the hospitality industry.Participants included hotel owners, restaurant owners, hotel managers, Catering Managers, human resource managers, supervisors and hotel food and Students & Teachers colleges different host.( Bucher, R. 1999)
The qualitative study was supported by quantitative research in the form of surveys were completed by participants in focus groups.To guide and direct the search for a model (developed in both academic literature and practical experience) was used.As shown in figure one, the framework assesses the extent to which organizations are taking steps to meet the challenges of diversity through assessment and planning dimensions of implementation.
Regarding planning for diversity, the analysis criteria focused on “Diversity Awareness” (or the extent to Whish organizations are aware of diversity and proactively identify opportunities for diversity / challenges in their own contexts) and “Diversity Options” (which basically considers the type of diversity planning and decision making performed by organizations).Regarding the implementation of diversity assessments have focused on “Diversity Imperatives” (the extent to which organizations share the responsibility for diversity and the development of rewarding diversity and effective structures of control) and “The variety of interfaces (which considers the extent to which it is internal and external cooperation on diversity and the degree to which assessments of effective structures were developed).
While many host organizations have begun to take note of the dynamics of diversity change (such as l