
帮写美国assignment:U.S. aid to Africa

日期:2018年10月30日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:未知 点击次数:1987
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201810301618394077 论文字数:0 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title


Foreign Assistance usually refers to the Assistance provided by a country or organization to other countries or organizations in the form of free or partially paid funds, technologies, materials, etc., to help the receiving country or organization overcome the difficulties it faces or achieve the purpose of providing Assistance. Foreign aid is one of the important means for a country to conduct diplomacy, which can promote the further development of bilateral relations and enhance its influence in the world. Africa is the most backward developing region among the five continents, and has been one of the key areas receiving foreign aid due to its abundant natural resources and relatively important strategic value. The United States is the largest contributor of aid to Africa. Its aid mechanism is mature, its aid policy is clear and its aid content is diversified. Considering that Africa is an important part of China's international relations and that China's aid to Africa is still in its infancy and development stage, it is necessary to conduct research on American aid to Africa for China's learning and reference.


America's aid to Africa began in the 1950 s, at that time under the background of the cold war, President Truman put forward the political implications in his inaugural speech extremely strong Point Four Program, aimed at using the advanced science and technology and strong industrial base to help "third world" countries on the road to development, so as to expand your sphere of influence in politics. Since then, considering the development trend of the United States and the world, the intensity of assistance to Africa has fluctuated significantly, which can be mainly divided into the following five stages in terms of time.

The first stage was from the early 1950s to the early 1960s. This period was also the beginning of the cold war, when the world pattern changed into a "bipolar pattern". In the first half of this phase, the United States began its assistance to Africa, mainly with technical assistance; In the second half of this phase, along with the growing independence movement in Africa, the United States began to gradually increase its aid to Africa, mainly with the urgent economic aid, in order to gain more potential political Allies and suppress the political expansion of the Soviet union in emerging countries. Therefore, at this stage, American aid to Africa is on the rise, mainly in technical assistance at the beginning, mainly in economic assistance at the later stage, and with a strong political purpose.

The second stage is from the mid-1960s to the late 1970s. As the cold war intensified, the relationship between the United States and the Soviet union became more and more tense. The United States was caught in the quagmire of Vietnam war, economic crisis and Middle East oil crisis. At this stage, the United States has to cut its aid to Africa, which is not the primary alliance region, for its own strategic security. However, the United States has not completely given up on Africa and is instead contributing to Africa through cooperation with European Allies, spreading the pressure and maintaining its influence in Africa. Therefore, at this stage, the United States' aid to Africa is on the decline, and the aid is shifted from political and strategic aid to development aid.

The third stage is the entire 1980s. As the Soviet union was unable to maintain its strategy of hegemony in the war in Afghanistan, the American ec