

日期:2019年01月18日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:论文网 点击次数:3871
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201901181341398806 论文字数:2250 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
Considerable emphasis is placed in organizations in promoting diversity and encourages equality, the reasons are that diversity and equality management can improve enterprise performance and productivity(Armstronget.,al, 2010).The principle is generally accepted, but the equality is not well place in the company. For example, there is a big gap and the proportion of educated women and those who sit on the board of the company. This gap will be significantly reduced, because it is composed of the basic rights of equality between men and women, and by the need fordemocratic legitimacy and its economic governance. However, in order to improve the steering committee of the Stock Exchange listed company non-executive directors between genders balanced suggestions, which do not constitute a solution to this problem. The appropriate legal is due to that it violates the principle of proportion and the auxiliary principle. There are many other non-mandatory gender quotas; the EU could enterprise dashboard by institutions to promote gender balance. These measures did not make full use (Szydło, 2015).Gender equity is only short cut of the equality and diversity. Therefore, this article would focus on the analyzing the example of the Foxconn, Cannon and General Motors from the respective of the culture, the leadership and management and the strategy and long-term goal respectively. 

Cultural difference文化差异

Ghosh (2014) has stated that Focus on racial, cultural identity of race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, etc., this study argues that cultural competence from the diversity between the lenses of theory and the workplace. In this paper, there are two highlights. First, the main focus on the administrative culture institutions and their personnel's behavior in the qualitative provides a framework. Themes and categories this framework provides individuals and organizations on what behavior to help them work effectively in dealing with intercultural situation. Secondly, the relationship between behavior influence organizational results also suggest a culturally competent leadership and members (between group difference boundary, power, emotion model and cognitive structure includes "twisted") relates to the identity of groups and organizations. Future research directions are also discussed.
Equity should treat as respective for the dignity. Dignity is a kind of ultimate value, has long called for the explicit and implicit understanding of work and working conditions. For example, as a basic human right by the international labor organization position of dignity, to uphold the constitution "all people, regardless of race, religion or sex, have the right to freedom and dignity of the pursuit of their material life and spiritual development condition, economic security and equal opportunity." However, it has proved difficult to judge the dignity is implemented, because it is a lack of precise definition of the concept of. In 2010, Dutch act caused a global outcry in the Chinese the working conditions of the factory manufacturing giant Foxconn Technology Group cluster electronic. In a few short months, 14 migrant workers jump off building Dutch act events on the Foxconn campus building, a compound cover and contain everything in their work, eat, sleep. Although Foxconn and its business partners Apple's official response is workplace dignity language, these parties do not direct examination of workers in the subsequent audit dignity. Analysis in our life media based Foxconn, the structure of the general mechanism of the workers impro