nt and staff, of course, is a very important element of the organisational context. Employees’ knowledge and skills, their professional competence, state of mind, attitude to their duties, productivity and effort, socialisation and career – all these qualities are closely connected with the organisational structures and practices. Consequently, there are very close relationships between the theory of personnel management, research and organisational behaviour, their fields coincide in many respects. Organisational phenomena can usually be explained only if the explanation takes into account the human factor, and vice versa.
Langton and Robbins affirm that “…a field of study that investigates how individuals, groups and structure affect and are affected by behaviour within organisations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organisation’s effectiveness.” (Langton and Robbins (2006) page 3).
To sum up the above-stated information I can draw a conclusion that I described the theme about organisational behaviour, analyzed and explored the aspects of organisational behaviour theory and its application in practice.