
Business Assignment格式:Application of Organisational Behaviour in Management

日期:2024年01月17日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:615
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202401171032447372 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:澳大利亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
the organisational structure is a secondary thing. Things are made with the help of a certain way because institutionalised norms or rules offer the course of an action in the explicit or implicit form. Legality of specific institutions, including all models of behaviour can be separated from its practical and relative usefulness. Some people can be pragmatics all the time, most people are pragmatists from time to time, but they cannot be pragmatics at all times. Usually, pragmatic direction can exist only because they are embedded in environment with a small number of institutions.
The third direction is the cultural studies theory. It appeals to values, preferences, significant symbols and mental programs in the broad sense. This is a programming on a level of the individual’s consciousness, which has a sense. In this approach, the utility also is secondary, but it suddenly appears as a function of the mentioned preferences and values. Cultural studies focuses on the fact that the utilities vary depending on the class of factors and that these classes differ depending on differences in the socialisation process. Supporters of this theory are also inclined to the fact that the institutions are units, which add up to the individual mental programs. Despite the fact that this, in principle, does not contradict the concepts of utility and institutionalisation, the proponents of the culturological theory repeated again and again about their relative importance in terms of culture. Different people behave differently in the same organisational environment. A man always has freedom to choose behaviour patterns: to accept or not to accept the organisational forms and norms of behaviour. The specialists describe four models of organisational behaviour.
The first model of organisational behaviour is a devoted and disciplined member of the organisation. He fully accepts all the organisational values and norms of behaviour. In this case a man tries to behave in a way that his actions do not contradict with the interests of the organisation. He sincerely tries to be disciplined, to carry out his duties in accordance with accepted norms of the organisation and behaviour patterns. Therefore, the results of his actions largely depend on his personal capacities and abilities and how correctly determine the content of his role and functions in the organisation.
The second model of organisational behaviour is a timeserver. A person does not accept values of the organisation, but tries to behave completely following the norms and behaviour patterns of the organisation. Such a person could be described as a timeserver. He does everything right and by the rules, but it should not be considered a reliable member of the organisation, as though he is a good and executive employee, however, he can leave the organisation at any time or make the steps, which can contrary to the interests of the organisation, but correspond with his own interests. For example, a person can easily leave the firm, as soon as he will be offered better conditions. The timeservers are the most common type of behaviour among the staff of any organisation.