MBA Assignment格式范文-J20品牌管理与营销。本文是一篇留学生MBA assignment写作格式范文,主要内容是讲述Britvic的J20在大约12年的时间里一直保持着相同的品牌风格,使用了规则形状的瓶子,结合了简单的图形和标签。这项assignment的重点是讨论瓶子因素背后的基本方面,这些因素使它变得可购买和有趣。通过使用在线研究、问卷调查和其他现有关系商品进行的互联网研究,在最近的瓶装饮料市场中发现了一种趋势。突出的造型方面是在产品上使用了人体工程学和人体测量设计风格。反过来,这种时尚的品牌风格影响了产品形状的显著减少,从而导致瓶子里装的液体比标准瓶子少。以下就是这篇MBA Assignment格式范文的具体内容,供参考。
On the other hand, the questionnaire analysis results were intriguing because it outlined that 53% of the interrogated people suggested that the styling and bottle design captures their attention thus inclined to purchase the soft drink. Nonetheless, an approximate of 44% negatively responded towards the current styling and designing of the bottles and perceived the whole styling idea as boring and too standard. Further, studies indicate that most of the customers choose to go in pubs when wanting to socialize thus the new design of the bottle clearly fits and is applicable a bar, this raises the company’s competitive advantage in the soft drink market. The bottle is perceived by many as unique in design and the brand significantly stands out particularly in dark atmosphere. The research that was conducted highly indicated that there is a need for change in the outlook of the J20 bottle. Therefore, there is still room to enhance the whole brand outlook especially in making the bottle appears more elegant, organic, and there was the need for the unique product so as to secure the future sales in the trendy competitive market.
Product Overview 产品概述
The J20 Bottle was launched in 1998 aimed at providing people who were going to bar or club but do were not drinking alcohol. “The initial flavor of J20 bottle drinks had incorporated the Apple and Melon which became overly popular with the customers because of the unique taste it exhibited, current the flavor is available in the market in six varieties that include; Orange and passion flavor, Apple and blueberry flavor, Apple and Raspberry flavor, Mango and Apple flavor, Melon and Apple, and Orange and Pomegranate fruit” (Vrontis, D. &Thrassou, A. 2006, 137). The initial aim of J20 Bottle was to penetrate through a market in restaurants, pubs, and in bars. Therefore, because of the enormous growth of the organization during the four years since 1998 up to 2002, it has recently been able to increase its sales in the supermarkets. Statistics indicate that over seven bottles are being purchased in every second from either the pubs and restaurants or the public domain in its global networks. Thus, the brand is acknowledged as the single selling product of soft drinks available in the market, this makes J20 globally known as the best seller of unique soft drinks.
J20于1998年推出,旨在为那些去酒吧或俱乐部但不喝酒的人提供服务。“J20瓶装饮料最初的口味包含了苹果和甜瓜,由于其独特的口味,苹果和甜瓜在客户中变得非常受欢迎,目前市场上有六种口味可供选择,包括:橙子和百香果口味、苹果和蓝莓味、苹果和树莓口味、芒果和苹果口味、甜瓜和苹果以及橙子和石榴口味”。J20 最初的目标是渗透到餐馆、酒吧和酒吧的市场。因此,由于该组织从1998年到2002年的四年中的巨大增长,它最近能够增加在超市的销售额。统计数据显示,每秒从酒吧和