
MBA Assignment格式范文:J20 Brand Management and Marketing

日期:2023年11月18日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:625
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202311181158161483 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
he bottle must underlie within a maximum cylinder grip of 53.34mm in size and the minimum should be at 40.46mm. “Therefore basing the various sizes of the bottles on the recent J20 will eventually give the customer an ergonomic product because the issues will have been solved” (Kibar, A. 2007, n.p).
The Designing, Shaping, and Aesthetics 设计、造型与美学
The previous market research denoted that there was the need for the bottle to be drastically changed thus a new appealing and conventional design is required. The concept of design started with a drawing of sketches of ideas that could possibly suit the consumer base and further enhance the overall outlook of the commodity. By drawing collection of designs, some are pushed to the growth stage which consists of a conservative and eccentric bottle. However, it is important to note that each of the designs tabled out has their advantages and disadvantages. In the selection of designs, it is prudent that the organization chooses the simplest shape because it uses minimal material and it is the best. This is clearly seen being implemented in Britvic because they are cutting the quantity of glass used within each and every bottle. Thus, the company is seriously taking into account the environmental issues.
Design Development 设计开发
The design of the bottles should be developed in a manner that is appealing to target market especially the existing and new clients. Further, the shape of the bottle should reflect the current trends, dissimilar from the predictable designs, compliments the brand’s flavor, and sold at affordable prices. In relation to the health of the customers, it should be made of non-toxic substances having chemical resistance. The current brand used by the J20 Bottles should be of 22% larger so as to hold the correct level of liquid.
Conclusion 结论
The current prototype in the market needs to be readjusted to roughly 20% bigger than initially, this way then the bottle can hold the correct amount of juice. By continuing to use the initial bottle the customers may be getting what does not appropriately reflect their bargain, it can be considered a fraudulent move by the company as well as a failure to meet standard requirements by the regulatory bodies. Customers need to remain the priority and therefore it is essential by the company to meet the customers’ requirements such as operational transparency by the company thus according the company the necessary loyalty.
References 参考文献
Vrontis, D. and Thrassou, A., 2006. Situation analysis and strategic planning: an empirical case study in the UK beverage industry. Innovative marketing, 2(2), pp.134-151.
Russell, R.S. and Taylor-Iii, B.W., 2008. Operations management along the supply chain. John Wiley & Sons.
Kibar, A., 2007. NPD and Innovation in Soft Drinks Winning Strategies for Britvic.
Trotman, S.C., Holdway, A.J., Burnett, M.D. and Morse, S.E., 2007. Packaging. U.S. Patent Application 12/001,684.