英国History Assignment格式-16世纪英国的政治气候。本文是一篇英国留学生历史学assignment写作格式范文,主要内容是讲述历史上很少有像16世纪英国的四位托马斯那样,学术思想、政治激进主义和热情的精神关怀融合在一起。这项assignment中提到的四个人都是在16年内出生的,达到了宗教和政治权力的顶峰,并在那里遭遇了不受欢迎的死亡,除了沃尔西(他死于叛国罪的审判途中),他们的结局都死于刽子手之手。后来,同名只是这些同时代人所拥有的众多共性之一。然而,到目前为止,最重要的特征(无论是福是祸)是每个人都有国王亨利八世的耳朵。以下就是这篇英国History Assignment格式范文的具体内容,供参考,并学习掌握assignment怎么写。
Rarely has there been a time in history where there has been a convergence of scholarly mind, political activism and ardent spiritual concern as that of the four Thomas’s of 16th century England. The four men represented in this assignment were all born within 16 years of each other, attained to the pinnacles of religious and political power and fell to meet there demise in disfavor, and with the exception of Wolsey (who died on the way to trial for treason) met their end at the hand of an executioner. Subsequently, having the same name was only one of many commonalities that each of these contemporaries possessed. Yet, the most important attribute by far (whether that was a blessing or bane), was that each had the ear of King Henry the VIII.
How did they use their influence? Was this influence wielded in favor of their religious conviction? Were they primarily motivated by self-interest? This research asserts that a combination of the two motivations existed.
Two of the men here focused upon were influential Catholics (Cardinal Wolsey and Saint Thomas More) and two were instrumental in establishing the reformed position in the Anglican Church (Cromwell and Cranmer). It might be noted that each had varying degrees of commitment to a reformed agenda, especially in the case of Cromwell; however the influence of these men set the stage for a breech between the Anglican Communion and the Catholic See, which remains to this day. In fact, the issues that were a precursor to this division still provides constant fodder for the present Archbishop of Canterbury and others who seek a reunion with the Church at Rome. In order to examine the extent of the influences of the “four Thomas’s” on 16th century England, it becomes necessary to first survey the political and religious climate that existed, as well as the Roman church and the seeds of Protestantism that were planted by the Reformed movement in Continental Europe.
Perhaps the most monumental time in the history of English reformation, and therefore one that would later directly impact religious development in the North American colonies, was the period in the 16th century between the reign of King Henry the VIII and Elizabeth I. The reign of the Tudor’s proved at times to be as much controversial, as it was tumultuous. This was due in large part to the relationships surrounding Henry VIII and his six wives. Therefore, Henry was not a reformer at heart, or for theological reasons as much as for the legal ramifications surrounding his annulment to Catharine of Aragon, and the reluctance of the Pope to recognize this annulment. In fact, the pope was requested to reverse an earlier Papal “dispensation” that would then make Henry’s first marriage, (a marriage to Catharine, his brother’s widow) of no effect. Henrys position was that this marriage should be annulled because it went against Cannon law which was based on a passage from Leviticus. This ordinance made it unlawful to marry a brother’s widow, based on a passage in Leviticus. However, Catharine was the aunt of Charles V, Who was the leader of Spain as well as the Holy Roman Emperor, and as Gonzalez states, “The pope, cement VII, could not invalidate Henry’s marriage to Catherine without alienating Charles V”. Most historians suggest that this position was t