
英国History Assignment格式:The Political Climate Of 16th Century England

日期:2023年12月26日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:857
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202312261837332402 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
he primary factor for further alienation between the house of Tudor and Rome, yet Henry had been a dedicated catholic and even came to the defense of the church, writing a remonstrance of sorts to the work of Luther. Newcombe states, “But Henry VIII’s agenda was quite different and he was generally hostile to the reforming ideas that began to find their way to England from continental Europe”. This hostility took the form of a pamphlet written, probably with the help of the theologian Thomas More, called Assertio septem sacramentorum adversus Marinum Lutherum (defense of the Seven Sacraments against Martin Luther) which first appeared in 1521. Henry was awarded the title “Defender of the Faith” by the Pope, and this recognition was so pleasing to the king that he continued to acknowledge it and “kept it in his royal style even after the break with Rome. Indeed, there is little evidence to suggest that Henry was dissatisfied with the doctrines or practices of the church in themselves”.
也许英国改革史上最具里程碑意义的时期,也就是后来直接影响北美殖民地宗教发展的时期,是16世纪国王亨利八世和伊丽莎白一世统治期间。事实证明,都铎王朝的统治有时既充满争议,也充满动荡。这在很大程度上是由于亨利八世和他的六位妻子之间的关系。因此,亨利本质上不是一个改革者,也不是因为神学原因,而是因为他被废除阿拉贡的凯瑟琳的法律后果,以及教皇不愿承认这一废除。事实上,教皇被要求推翻早先的教皇“豁免”,这将使亨利的第一次婚姻(与他哥哥的遗孀凯瑟琳的婚姻)无效。亨利的立场是,这段婚姻应该被废除,因为它违反了基于《利未记》一段的坎农法。根据《利未记》中的一段话,这项法令规定与兄弟的遗孀结婚是非法的。然而,凯瑟琳是查理五世的姑姑,查理五世是西班牙的领袖和神圣罗马帝国的皇帝,正如冈萨雷斯所说,“教皇水泥七世不能在不疏远查理五世的情况下使亨利与凯瑟琳的婚姻无效”。本篇assignment认为,这一立场是都铎王朝和罗马之间进一步疏远的主要因素,然而亨利是一位虔诚的天主教徒,甚至为教会辩护,对路德的作品提出了某种抗议。纽科姆表示,“但亨利八世的议程截然不同,他普遍反对从欧洲大陆进入英国的改革思想”。这种敌意以一本小册子的形式出现,这本小册子可能是在神学家托马斯·莫尔的帮助下写的,名为Assertio septem sacracamentorum antiversus Marinum Lutherum(为反对马丁·路德的七圣体辩护),最早出现在1521年。亨利被教皇授予“信仰卫士”的称号,这一称号令国王非常高兴,他继续承认这一点,并“即使在与罗马决裂后,也保持着他的皇室风格。事实上,几乎没有证据表明亨利对教会的教义或实践本身感到不满”。
The Religious/Political Climate of 16th Century England 16世纪英国的宗教/政治气候
At the end of the Wars of Roses, Henry Tudor ascended to the throne (as Henry the VII) and until the civil war in 1642, the reign of the house of Tudor was generally a peaceful one. After the death of Henry VII the throne was passed to Henry VIII in 1509. Forgeng states, “Henry had no desire to make any significant changes in church teachings, but there was growing pressure in the country to follow the lead of the continental Protestants such as Martin Luther; English Protestants were later heavily influenced by Calvin, a French Protestant who established a rigidly Protestant state in Geneva”. This form of religious awakening would continue to have an effect on the populace, some of which would express itself in the Puritan movement in later years. Noll states, “In most general terms, the Puritan movement had represented a desire to finish the English Reformation, to complete the work of purifying church, society and self that began under henry VIII (reigned 1509-1547) and Edward VI (1547-1553) which was temporarily reversed under the Roman Catholic Mary I (1553-1558), but which was eventually secured under Elizabeth I (1558-1603)”. It would seem that even though Henry was very firmly ground in the Catholic faith and tradition, the new waves of Protestantism on the continent of Europe were lapping, as it were, at the white cliffs of Dover. The seeds of reformation were being sown which in turn would make the movement grow in earnest during the reign of Edward.
The Catholic Church in the Tudor Period 都铎时期的天主教会
In a much broader sense, the Catholic Church was in the midst of withstanding an onslaught of reformation activities which was to decrease its influence in Europe exponentially. This was in part, due to the erosion of Papal a