
MBA Assignment范文:An Analysis of the Culture of an Organisation

日期:2023年09月25日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:693
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202309251151409214 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
国家进行,涉及IBM的工人或员工,他将一种文化与另一种文化区分开来,如所引用的。通过进行这个研究项目,Geert Hofstede提供了四个维度,后来,他又增加了两个文化维度,这些维度现在被组织研究人员用来理解每个国家的文化与其他商业组织的差异。策略师或管理人员使用这种文化模型来分析特定商业组织文化中的各种差异,以解决公司面临的问题,克服文化问题。此外,霍夫斯泰德的文化维度模型也用于理解社会之间或社会之间的文化差异或商业组织的文化。
Geert Hofstede suggested six dimensions of organizational or societal culture. According to (Hofstede, Pedersen, & Hofstede, 2012), these six cultural dimensions of culture can place value within the organization if the variables or dimensions can be properly balanced and managed by the mangers. The six cultural dimensions by Hofstede are described below in brief.
Geert Hofstede提出了组织或社会文化的六个维度。根据,如果管理者能够适当地平衡和管理变量或维度,文化的这六个文化维度可以在组织中发挥价值。霍夫斯泰德的六个文化维度简述如下。
Power distance: Power distance index is a measurement of power distribution that shows how the power within a society or business organization or company is distributed to the people of the particular institution or company. This index consists two sides from which one is high power distance and another is low power distance. The two sides reflect two kinds of nature of a culture of a business organization along with the nature of the authority and management possessed by the managers of a particular business organization. The business organization which has people with high in power distance that means that people have more power than the people living without zero or very low power than the higher class people in the society or in the organization. The organization having high in power distance index follows an authoritarian management philosophy and the employees working there do not have the rights such as flexibility of work, right of making decisions or giving opinions etc. But, low power distance index of an organization has a balance in the power that people have in the working environment or company. Managers follow democratic leadership and managerial style involving others in making key organizational decisions as well as cited by (“Organisational Culture – Geert Hofstede”, 2016).
Individualistic vs collectivistic: Business organizations may also have the nature of individualism or collectivism in its organizational culture or working environment. Individualistic business organizational culture doesn’t inspire people to work for the shared goals as prescribed by the business organization. But, collectivist organizational culture of a business organization promotes common values and goals as well of the organization to be achieved through group or team efforts by the people working within the organization. This dimension shows whether a business organization has a culture of community sharing common objectives or a culture having interest for achieving personal rather than organizational goals.
High and low uncertainty avoidance: Companies that are high in the uncertainty avoidance have a culture involving systems, regulations, guidelines to follow without coping with the changes due to the change of the business environment, change in the economy or change in the other variables that might influence the decisions taken by the company. These organizations do not change over time and believe that changes might cause problems whether, the organizations in low uncertainty avoidance index update their systems and implement improvements in the strategies or plans as well to innovate and to increase the feasibility and validity of the organizational policies.