Business Assignment写作格式-商业分析中的名词解释。本文是一篇留学生商务管理assignment格式范文,主要内容是针对商业分析中比较常见的专业属于进行名词解释,包括商务智能,IT灵活性,SWOT分析,战略规划,企业架构以及管理信息系统进行解释说明。对于正在进行assignment写作以及相关专业学习的同学们来说,是一篇值得参考的assignment范文。
In simple language business intelligence is accumulation of data, analyzing and reporting it and presenting it for the benefits of the business. The main aim of using business intelligence is to utilize the information and data to improve the visibility of any business operation and for the good will in the market. The buzz of IB is all around the market and many individuals thinks that BI has been in the market for ages which is implemented by all, and you are left behind. But the truth is most of the business don’t use Business intelligence. The presentation which is made by the help of business intelligence can be used to support many business decisions which can be both operations and strategic decisions. BI can be sued most effectively when external and internal data is analyzed which gives the real picture of any business problem. The best example when the business intelligence comes into action is when any business or organization wants to enter the market with new products or any substitute, to introduce their product they need all insight information of the market and customers that they are dealing with, this information is important for the initial stage of product life cycle.
Assignment范文名词解释 2——IT Agility IT灵活性
IT Agility is a typical business term that is utilized every now and again nowadays to gauge how quick business will react to circumstances, dangers and threats. IT Agility is about how IT will empower business agility, how quick IT will convey the required effectiveness and productivity. The greater arrangement amongst business and IT the more level of agility for both will be accomplished. It increase the ability of any business to cope up with the changing business circumstances. Business agility reciprocal of the slack time between recognizing an opportunity and the ability to act on it for achievement. Agility is the capabilities and ability of any business to response and cope up with any market pressure and not letting the profit down. This requires the IT capabilities and good understanding of strategic agility to avoid over budgeting the technology sector. So to achieve agility, there should be a rolling out plan in additional and in long run. The purpose of making an IT agility is to enable innovation and transformation by optimal utilization of resources. This will help to obtain competitive advantage.
Assignment范文名词解释 3——SWOT analysis SWOT分析
SWOT analysis is a process that figure out the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and treats. This is the basic frame work by which a business or an organization find out both internal and external factors. The internal factors are the strength and weakness while threats and opportunities are the external factors which is taken care of. Using the information and data which help to evaluate the position of a company in the market and SWOT analysis will find out what it will need to accomplish its objectives and what obstacles must be overcome to achieve the vision or the desired result. For example back in 2015, coco-cola did an SWOT analysis and found that they have strength in brand name and distribution n