Business Assignment格式-供应商面临的问题和机遇。本文是一篇留学生Business Assignment写作格式范文,主要内容是讲述Green Fingers是一家位于布莱顿和霍夫的食品零售商,销售新鲜的素食食品。我们所有的产品都来自不同的品牌和不同的供应商。由于我们的一家主要供应商突然流失,本篇Business Assignment旨在反思影响零售业的问题,如供应商选择、技术发展如何影响商品在供应链中的流动以及如何做出购买决策。下面就一起来看一下这篇Business Assignment格式范文的具体内容。
Green Fingers is a Brighton and Hove based food retailer selling fresh vegetarian groceries. All of our products come from different brands and different suppliers. Due to the sudden loss of one of our main suppliers [D1]the following situational report aims to reflect on the issues affecting the retail sector such as supplier selection, how technological developments have affected the movement of goods through the supply chain and how buying decisions are made.
As [D3]the buyer of Green Fingers my objective is to ensure that we get the right quantity of the right product at the right time and the right price, and that we sell it on the right place[D4]. However, of all those factors we have to pay special attention to the quantity and time issues: being a retailer of fresh perishable goods (fruits and vegetables amongst others) we must manage [D5]the quantities of products brought in so that we do not end up with too much stock since the shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables is only a few days. For that reason we focus on 6 characteristics when considering what supplier to chose.
作为Green Fingers的买家,我的目标是确保我们在正确的时间和价格获得正确数量的正确产品,并在正确的地点销售。然而,在所有这些因素中,我们必须特别注意数量和时间问题:作为一家新鲜易腐商品(水果和蔬菜等)的零售商,我们必须管理好带入的产品数量,这样我们就不会有太多库存,因为新鲜水果和蔬菜的保质期只有几天。因此,在考虑选择什么供应商时,我们将重点关注6个特征。
Even though it is not the main factor, price is important when choosing a supplier. As a business we want to have a profit margin without compromising the quality of our products. My responsibility as the buyer of Green Fingers is to ensure that we offer our customers high quality [D6]products and we rely on our suppliers to achieve that. However it is not only about how good the products are, but how good the supplier is in terms of reliability and responsiveness [D7]when delivering the right product according to the plan. If the supplier does not provide us with a good service we are most likely to not continue the business with them. We need our suppliers to be committed with us. Once you find the right supplier you need to create a good relationship [D8]so that both companies benefit one from the other and customers can enjoy the product that they like without suffering constant changes. Last but not least, at Green Fingers we have a ‘green’ heart and we look for resource saving and sustainable practices from the beginning till the end of the business process[D9].
Business Assignment提出尽管价格不是主要因素,但在选择供应商时,价格很重要。作为一家企业,我们希望在不影响产品质量的情况下获得利润率。作为Green Fingers的买家,我的责任是确保我们为客户提供高质量的产品,我们依靠供应商来实现这一目标。然而,这不仅关乎产品有多好,还关乎供应商在根据计划交付正确产品时,在可靠性和响应性方面有多好。如果供应商不为我们提供良好的服务,我们很可能不会继续与他们的业务。我们需要我们的供应商与我们合作。一旦你找到合适的供应商,你就需要建立良好的关系,这样两家公司都可以从中受益,客户可以在不不断变化的情况下享受他们喜欢的产品。最后但同样重要的是,在Green Fingers,我们有一颗“绿色”的心,从业务流程的开始到结束,我们都在寻求资源节约和可持续的做法。
As [D10]we have mentioned before we work with several suppliers, each of them specialised in a selection of products. One of the products that we are going to focus on is the pre-packed fruit, a pot of 100gr of fresh fruit cut and ready to eat. It is a very popular item as it means a quick and delicious snack. The company that supplies us with this product has an eco-friendly approach that we respect and value and is one of the reasons why we chose to work with them. However, some recent technological changes regarding the packaging are becoming [D11]an issue. Said company has decided to take a step further on the sustainability aspect of the supply chain to achieve two goals. The first and most important is the reduction of the carbon footprint[D12]. To do so they have decided to reduce the amount of plastic they use for the packaging of all the products they supply. The second goal is to lower the prices in an attempt to increase the s