

日期:2018年01月22日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1098
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201708132001523540 论文字数:32819 所属栏目:公共行政管理论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
摘    要



Despite the rapid development of China's economy, the reform of human resources management in government departments has not formed constant development, there are many problems, and not through practice to test. Human resources management, which has been prevalent in developed countries, has begun to emerge in the management practice of government departments in our country, but remains to be further studied in theoretical research. Therefore, this paper mainly uses the modern human resource management concept and method, in the course of research to the development trend of our government human resources as the basis, the Xiazhuang town government human resources management situation case study, systematically analyzes its human resources management. The main problems are the evaluation system is not perfect and the training mechanism is not scientific and the supervision mechanism is not perfect. This paper studies the causes of the problem of human resource management from the aspects of concept, culture and system, and finds out that the existing problems are very unfavorable to the current scientific management of the township government. These problems are also the most of the township in China. In the existing problems, are eager to solve. As the most basic government in our country, it is of great significance to improve the human resource management in our country's political system reform. We must recognize the various factors influencing the human resources management of the township government, and then mobilize the role of these factors to promote good government human resources management. In order to promote the development of human resources management in our country, the township government has provided good experience and theoretical method in the process of human resource management. In this paper, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to solve the problem of human resource management in the process of human resource management.

Key words: township government; human resources management; public management

目  录

引言 1
第1章 乡镇政府人力资源管理概述 6
1.1相关概念 6
1.1.1乡镇政府的概念 6
1.1.2乡镇政府人力资源管理的概念 6
1.1.3乡镇政府人力资源管理的特点 8
1.1.4乡镇政府人力资源管理的发展趋势 10
1.2乡镇政府人力资源管理理论 11
1.2.1学习理论 11
1.2.2绩效理论 11
1.2.3公共选择理论 11
1.2.4人力资本理论 11
1.2.5管理主义 12
第2章 夏格庄镇政府的人力资源管理现状 13
2.1夏格庄镇政府概况 13
2.1.1夏格庄镇政府的基本情况 13
2.1.2夏格庄镇政府的内部机构 14
2.2夏格庄镇政府人力资源管理的现状 14
2.2.1人力资源结构情况 14
2.2.2人力资源管理的主要措施 16
第3章 夏格庄镇政府人力资源管理的问题及原因分析 18
3.1夏格庄镇政府人力资源管理存在的问题 18
3.1.1职权配置不合理 18
3.1.2评价制度不健全 18
3.1.3培训机制不科学 18
3.1.4监督机制不完善 18
3.2夏格庄镇政府人力资源管理问题的原因分析 19
3.2.1理念方面的原因 19
3.2.2文化方面的原因 19
3.2.3制度方面的原因 20
3.3对夏格庄镇政府人力资源管理模式的评价 23
3.3.1畸形的权力结构需要重新配置 23
3.3.2“压力型”体制下乡镇政府的职能严重错位 24
3.3.3机构臃肿,人员严重超编 24
3.3.4乡镇债务沉重,乡镇政府人力资源管理缺乏财力保障 25
3.3.5乡镇公务员队伍自身素质不高 25
3.3.6监督的缺位与失语 25
第4章 完善夏格庄镇政府人力资源管理的对策建议 27
4.1更新政府人力资源管理理念 27
4.1.1强化“人才强国”认识,引进人力资源管理的理念 27
4.1.2树立“以人为本”意识,转变传统人事管理模式 27
4.1.3增强“人力资本”观念,注重政府机关人力资源开发 27
4.2优化人员和职权结构 28
4.2.1优化乡镇政府工作人员结构 28
4.2.2优化组织内外职权结构 29
4.3完善考核体系 29
4.3.1构建合理的指标体系 29
4.3.2选择科学的考核方法 30
4.3.3实施全程考核监控 30
4.4改革激励机制 30
4.4.1采用多元化激励措施 30
4.4.2选择合适的激励方式 31
4.5构建本地特色的人力资源培训机制 32
4.5.1立足本地需要制定培训目标 32
4.5.2立足本地需求调整培训内容 32
4.5.3立足效果的培训方式创新 33
4.5.4立足效果建立培训反馈机制 33
结论 34
参考文献 37
致谢 40
学位论文独创性声明、学位论文知识产权权属声明 41
引  言
