
Business Assignment格式:Issues and Opportunities for Suppliers

日期:2023年10月16日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:368
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202310161125587291 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:澳大利亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
ales and therefore the profit.
正如本篇Business Assignment所述,我们之前曾与多家供应商合作,每家供应商都专门生产一系列产品。我们将重点关注的产品之一是预包装水果,一罐100克新鲜水果,切开后即可食用。这是一种非常受欢迎的食物,因为它意味着一种快速美味的小吃。为我们提供该产品的公司采用了我们尊重和重视的环保方法,这也是我们选择与他们合作的原因之一。然而,最近关于包装的一些技术变化正在成为的一个问题。该公司已决定在供应链的可持续性方面进一步实现两个目标。第一个也是最重要的是减少碳足迹。为了做到这一点,他们决定减少用于包装他们供应的所有产品的塑料量。第二个目标是降低价格,以增加销售额,从而增加利润。
Even though we at Green Fingers try to have high control of the supply chain, the quality aspect of the final product cannot be assessed until it is delivered to our outlet, and given the fact that we deal with short shelf-life items [D13]having to reject a whole batch of fresh food items means a tie up in the financial capital.
尽管我们在Green Fingers试图对供应链进行高度控制,但在最终产品交付到我们的门店之前,无法对其质量进行评估,而且鉴于我们处理的是保质期短的产品,不得不拒绝一整批新鲜食品,这意味着财政资金的占用。
This issue has been happening repeatedly with this particular supplier. To understand it we need to bear in mind that they decided to reduce the amount of plastic in the whole process of the supply chain, including the packaging of the final product[D14]. The negative implications have been a poor quality in said packaging: lids not closing properly and bottoms being squashed and/or broken when they arrive in store. This has resulted in several batches of pre-packed fruit wasted because the quality of the product was very poor, which meant empty shelves where those products should have been and customers not being satisfied. All that translated into a loss in our profit.
Even though we contacted the supplier [D15]as soon as the first batch of ‘eco-friendlier’ fruit was spotted, and so we did every time that the issue was repeated, the supplier did not provide us with the right service. Not only did they not compensate us with a refund of the product in any of all the times that we encountered the issue, they suddenly decided to stop supplying us. We therefore decided to look for another supplier that offered a similar product since feedback from customers reflected a high demand of the ready to eat fruit.
In times like this is when, as a retailer, value the most service, reliability and commitment from your suppliers[D16].
After [D17]we had the issue with the before mentioned supplier we started searching for a suitable supplier who provided us with the same product (or as similar as possible) that we were selling before. We found what we were looking for and more: the same supplier offered us a ‘new buying situation’, in this case vegetarian and vegan ready meals. [D18]The product range includes pasta, rice, quinoa and a large variety of vegetables cooked as fresh as possible.
As retailers we must determine our customer’s requirements in order to develop this new buy. There has been a change on the consumers’ behaviours regarding what they eat and where it comes from.  Consumers are now more aware of the implications of food on their health and they try to go for the healthy option when possible[D19], and the number of declared vegetarians and vegans is increasing every year. However, XXI century modern life is marked by a constant rush. There is less time available to eat during the work break and less time devoted to the weekly/daily shopping. Our target market would therefore be the vegan/vegetarian professional who despite not having time for shopping and cooking still cares about what they eat.