
维多利亚大学Business Assignment范文:Are China's Transport, Distribution and Logistics Efficient?

日期:2023年07月28日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:433
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202307281029432765 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:澳大利亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

维多利亚大学Business Assignment范文-中国的运输、配送和物流效率高吗?本文是一篇Victoria University的Business Assignment写作范文,主要内容是讲述中国目前是世界制造工厂,并在不断增长。中国的主要出口目的地是美国、欧盟、香港和日本,这些国家占出口额的68%。在过去的十年里,中国蓬勃发展的经济从全球化和贸易解放中受益匪浅。本篇Assignment就是讨论随着如此大量的产品在中国生产,这些产品是如何离开中国的,这引起了人们的担忧。中国的运输、物流和配送系统是否高效?下面就一起来看一下这篇维多利亚大学的Assignment范文。


Are transport, distribution and logistics in mainland China efficient?中国大陆的运输、配送和物流效率高吗?
China. Currently the worlds manufacturing plant, and is constantly growing. China’s main export destinations are the United States, the European Union, Hong Kong, and Japan which accounts for 68% of export value. In the last decade China’s booming economy has greatly benefited from globalization and trade liberation. With such a huge amount of product’s being manufactured in China, it brings to concern how these products are getting out of China. Is China’s transport, logistics and distribution systems efficient?
China’s logistics first started off with the three-tier distribution system, this distribution model used the top down approach. Under this distribution model, only state owned wholesalers were allowed to provide logistics services. The three major hubs for tier-1 distribution centres were located in Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Tier-2 distribution centres were typically located in Provence capitals, this tier mainly dealt with distribution to major urban areas, storage and transportation. Tire-3 operate in smaller cities and towns, they provided additional storage and final delivery location. When a product reaches tier-1 locations it then flows down each tier until tier-3 in which the product is then delivered to the business or customer. Amongst this tier system, there were no competitive motives; the performance of the system was measured in terms of the fulfilment of the central administration goals as well as arrangement with political interests. Today China has liberated the three tier system, the state still takes part in state owned enterprises, but limit the partition of privately owned companies were allowed and encourages (Luk & Sherriff, 1998).
The impact of a products being delayed can be a problem, delays can be associated with the image of the company, and having an order delayed can cause negative reputation with supplier. In terms of exporters in relation to delays, in some cases they would need to offer price discounts, rebates, or maybe penalised. Longer delays may even lead to cancelations of orders, the return of cargo, which can cause major logistical problems at port, and may also disrupt the supplier’s cash flow.
The rail network in China is vast; however it is still not capable of easing congestion on highways. There is still a shortage or rail way networks in China. The rail system has been primarily used to server as a means of transporting build material such as coal, steel and iron additionally the rails system has also been used to transport iron ore, coal and other taw materials. China rail has not proved viable for finished goods and industrial products to long booking times and delays. During 2005 less than 1% of containers were moved by rail, during this time container trucks were the dominant transport mode for freight. China’s manufacturing is moving more inland and ports are becoming more congested. China plants to solve this by increasing their rail logistics by introducing eighteen inland railway logistics hub. (Mongelluzzo, 2007).