
Finance Assignment格式:Issues for Sustainable Development in Finance

日期:2023年08月23日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:611
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202308231430367231 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

Finance Assignment格式-金融可持续发展问题。本文是一篇留学生金融专业assignment写作格式,主要内容是讲述可持续发展是关于一体化:以一种有利于尽可能多的部门、跨越国界甚至跨时代的方式进行创造。归根结底,我们的选择应该考虑对社会、环境和经济的潜在影响,同时记住:我们的活动将影响其他地方,我们的活动也将影响未来。但也有一些可持续性问题正在影响不同的部门。除此之外,公司如何通过采用适当的资本结构和最佳的负债与股本比率来降低破产风险。以下就是这篇Finance Assignment格式范文的全部内容,供参考。


Introduction 引言
Sustainable development is about integration: creating in a way that benefits the amplest possible range of sectors, across borders and even between eras. At the end of the day, our choices ought to consideration potential effect on society, environment and the economy, while remembering that: our activities will have impacts somewhere else and our activities will affect future. But there are some issues of sustainability which are affecting different sectors. Besides this how a company can reduce risk of insolvency by adopting proper capital structure with optimal ratio of debt to equity.
Summary 概括
In this assignment, I will tell about sustainability issues for sustainable development in finance and how their effect makes contrasts in different financial sectors. These issues assume essential part in any financial sectors like banks, investment and insurance etc. Later on ,this assignment through light on environmental, social and governance issues and their part to make investments and decision with respect to finance. These issues are factors of vital importance to financial performance of company in which investors invest for short and long term and impact the ability of company and investor to achieve sustainable growth. Moreover, it is observed that there is variability in ESG issues being integrated in investment decision making process. Moving further, this assignment tells about different principles of capital structure including cost of capital which is also the important part of finance. Cost principle deals with ideal capital structure that is minimizing cost of finance and maximizing earning per share. Debt capital is cheaper form of capital structure. At the end of assignment there is a conclusion about what are my views regarding this search.
Sustainability issues affecting the various sectors of finance and financial approaches 影响金融各部门的可持续性问题和金融方法
Banks and other financial organizations have an important part in designate financial assets. Society anticipates that banks will make their money related assets available for the real economy and to deliver products and services those aides, instead of damage, the public interest. Along these lines, it is of incredible significance that banks effectively deal with their effect on social and natural sustainability. The products of banks, and also creation procedures of organizations financed by banks, are actually keeping an eye on sustainability risks. For instance, finance related products can make the risks of indebtedness for low-pay buyers; banks cause the hazard that a portion of the organizations they are giving fund for deforest land to agriculture, Causing a global warming, Exploiting labor rights or otherwise cause social and environmental problems. Social or environmental risks might not necessarily result in financial risks in the short-term but there is good chance that they do so in the mid- and long-term, both for the affected financial institution and for the financial system as a whole. Social and environmental incidents can increase costs, threaten the stability of businesses and thus, increase their probability of default. Moreover, they can threaten global financial stability through their devastating or destabilizing effects on the society.