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Case Study写作范文:Leadership Skills: Calvin Klein Case Study

日期:2023年09月13日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:586
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202309131143163616 论文字数:2500 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study

Case Study写作范文-领导技能:Calvin Klein案例研究。本文是一篇留学生Case Study写作参考范文,主要内容是讲述卡尔文·克莱因,一位美国时装设计师,他的品牌和作品受到国际赞赏和认可。他是一位企业家,也是未来企业家的榜样。卡尔文·克莱因在朋友的帮助下,在一栋破旧的大楼里只住了一个小房间,就独自经营了一家亿万富翁企业。他最初只做服装,但多年来为时尚行业贡献了香水、鞋子和许多其他品种和类型的服装。这篇Case Study范文通过研究了解到,1962年,他毕业于时尚技术学院,然后开始在小工作室锻炼,意外地从一家备受尊敬的公司订购了一份价值5万美元的服装。众所周知,他一直在宣传自己服装系列的独特性、可接受性和多样性。他被认为是《泰晤士报》杂志1996年最具影响力的25位人物之一。他还连续三次获得著名的科蒂奖,成为有史以来最年轻的设计师。下面就是这篇Case Study写作范文的具体内容,供参考。

Case Study怎么写

Summarization 总结
1a.) Calvin Klein, an American fashion designer who’s brand and work is internationally appreciated and recognized. He is an entrepreneurs as well as a role model for future entrepreneurs. Calvin Klein attained all on his own a multi billionaire business with just a small room in a worn out building and a help of his friend. He initially started out with just clothing but over the years has contributed a fragrance,shoes and many other varieties and types of wear to the fashion industry. He graduated from the Fashion institute of technology in 1962, and then started working out from small workroom, when he accidently landed a 50,000 dollar order of clothing from a well respected company. He has always been known to advertise uniqueness, acceptance, diversity in his clothing line. He been attributed to Times magazine’s 25 most influential people in 1996. He has also been awarded with the prestigious coty award (three times in row), making him the youngest designer to ever received that honour.
1b). Calvin Klein throughout the years has performed quite well as an leader and developed many strategies as well as created a platform or a map on what direction the company will perform on. As quoted “anything I wanted to do,I did. If there’s something I want to do, nothing stops me – Calvin Klein. This quote defines Calvin Klein’s characteristics as a leader and a businessman. Strategic objectives that calvin Klein implied in his business to enhance the organization and its efficiency and effectiveness were, he stepped outside his boundaries and created the American Leisure clothing and designs. He innovated clothing designs and changed the appearance of female and male designs. He created the first affordable sportswear that American women were fascinated with. Klein used advertising as marketing tactic to advertise his new line of tight jeans that in one week alone were sold in about 200,000 pairs.
1c.) The characteristics of a charismatic leader involves a sense of style, flair and confidence. Charismatic leaders have certain skills that make them qualified to have certain positions. It is vital for such leaders to have strong communication skills as well as maturity and humility. These all set great examples that make a charismatic leader. A visionary leader also contains similar characteristics of charismatic leadership. Poor leadership qualities contain a lot of alter ego, treating fellow colleagues as beneath them. As well as lack of skills to tackle problems and work as a team to make a workplace an efficient and motivational environment. Calvin Klein has a leadership mentality of a visionary leader. In his early days till now he had a future planned for the company that he would form.
1d.) Charismatic and visionary leaders contribute to motivating and developing others to improve engagement and productivity by influencing others to follow the path they take when a getting a job done. They have to create an atmosphere in which a culture of enthusiasm and productivity amongst the employees that will help them do what they need to do