一篇范文教会您怎么写Case Study-领导力案例研究-Vince Lombardi。本篇Case Study以Vince Lombardi为例解释了什么是有效的领导者。包装工队从联盟倒数第一,这是一个很好的例子,证明了有效的领导力必须得到体现。这份Case Study根据Sullivan&Decker在2009年的研究,“一个有效的领导者有很强的人际交往能力,即使在变化的时候也能指导他人,拥有统治力、雄心、宽容、自信、有序的思维,而一个关键的领导素质是具有灵活性。”Lombardi与团队中的球员讨论了他的期望,以及他将采取什么行动来执行这些期望。下面就是这篇Case Study写作范文的具体内容,供参考并学习掌握Case Study怎么写。
This case study explains what was an effective leader was by using Vince Lombardi as an example. The Packers came from last in the league to first place, is an excellent example that effective leadership had to have been manifested. According to Sullivan & Decker, 2009, “an effective leader has strong interpersonal skills, can direct others even in times of change, possess dominance, ambition, tolerance, self confidence, orderly thinking, and a key leadership quality is having flexibility.” Lombardi discussed his expectations with the players on his team and what actions he would take to enforce them.
The case describes the changes that Lombardi enforced and how he implemented them. He set standards on how players that were a part of the organization were to conduct themselves on and off the fields. He enforced dress codes and code of conducts for the players. Lombardi did not discriminate amongst member on the team. He required the same level of magnitude from the rookies and veterans on his team. Lombardi stated to the players that they were major league players and that they were going to start acting professional.
该篇Case Study描述了隆巴迪实施的变革以及他是如何实施这些变革的。他为作为组织一部分的球员在球场内外的行为制定了标准。他强制执行球员的着装规定和行为准则。隆巴迪没有歧视队员。他对球队中的新秀和老将都有同样的要求。隆巴迪向球员们表示,他们是大联盟球员,他们将开始职业表演。
Overview of Firm Competitive Advantage 企业竞争优势概述
When knowing what behavior needed to be changed and being capable of identifying how changing those habits or behavior is something that as a leader Lombardi knew he had to make these changes in order to help to improve the organization. By changing their perception of themselves he knew he would directly affect the perception that others had of them as well. According to Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2007, “a manager can successfully combat staff resistance by confronting change as it requires a level of willingness reflected in the energy they bring to the journey and adaptation to change.” Lombardi was not only managing his team, but he was also trying to safeguard the town’s perception of his team. By having them engage in extra practice to give them stamina and endurance, he created a competitive advantage for his Packers.
Problem statement 问题陈述
The problem that Lambadi’s Packers faced was that they were content with themselves as a team and the perception that they had of themselves needed to be changed. Another problem that they had was the team’s leadership. They needed to change the way that the organization conducted various day to day functions. Upon his arrival, Lombardi came into the organization and implemented those various changes that needed to be made.
Being honest and having a respectable relationship is an effective method to deal with resistance to changes and implementation. Lombardi knew that they would want to socialize with others and decided to set some rules and boundaries on how they would conduct themselves while interacting in the public’s eyes.
The perception of the team that the shareholders was important to Lombardi. He knew that this would not just have an effect on each team member individually, but the entire organization. Lombardi demonstrated the contingency theory through him being such a successful leader in management