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Case Study写作范文:Leadership Skills: Calvin Klein Case Study

日期:2023年09月13日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:602
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202309131143163616 论文字数:2500 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study

i.) Effective leaders engage in ethical and socially and culturally appropriate decision making by using wisdom and knowledge. Using one’s experience to code information and make wise decisions with that. Leaders should also be aware of justice and fair guidance in which everyone is to be treated equally no individual is to gain or lose support of their leader due to personal issues. Transcendence, leaders who are motivated predominantly by self-interest and the exercise of personal power have restricted effectiveness and authenticity. Love and Kindness is great approach into using words that can help you overcome a tough situation.
ii.) Calvin Klein acts out ethical and socially culturally appropriate decision making by innovating and implementing change. He once a quoted when he was designing clothes for both genders that ” he approaches mens clothes with the same philosophy as women’s” meaning their is no bias. He is culturally and socially making a decision to create no difference between men and women today. In his advertisements he has implemented and shown all types of beauty and diversity to his company and never only targeting one specific group of consumer . In result this is why Calvin Klein has been internationally known and is till this day a thriving and successful company and business man. 
iii.) Some Recommendations for ethical and socially and culturally appropriate decision making are that to be knowledgeable do not ever assume anything about any topic in the company. It is also important to be very honest and no matter what the consequence or issue to be told as it is to avoid any future misunderstanding. Another recommendation is that to follow protocol and do not put your own say or change up the rule because you don’t think they are right that would be defined as being unethical and would be again making appropriate decision making.
i.) In conclusion I have learned that it takes a lot as a leader, you can inspire and motivate your team to tremendous effect by communicating a vision in a clear, straight-forward way. But don’t think small – raise the bar really really high. Also, always think ahead a good leader always takes the good and the bad. They never just sit they are, ready to get their hands dirty and make sure everyone is involved and ready to make a change. I have attained a lot from doing this report and hope to use it further on in my career to create a successful business and be amazing leader.
最后Case Study的作者了解到,作为一名领导者,你需要付出很多,通过清晰、直接的方式传达愿景,你可以激励和激励你的团队,取得巨大的效果。但不要小看——把标准提高得非常高。此外,要始终超前思考,一个好的领导者总是能接受好的和坏的。他们从不只是坐着,随时准备弄脏自己的手,确保每个人都参与进来,并准备做出改变。我从这份报告中获得了很多收获,并希望在我的职业生涯中进一步利用它,创造一个成功的企业,成为一名了不起的领导者。本站提供各国各专业留学生Case Study范文,以及Case Study写作辅导,如有需要可咨询本平台。