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Case Study写作范文:Leadership Skills: Calvin Klein Case Study

日期:2023年09月13日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:586
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202309131143163616 论文字数:2500 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
.Leadership helps construct and communicate a positive organisational culture by creating and maintaining good and quality relationships with their employees which results in all operations to run smoothly and effectively. It is a vital part in the business world to have leaders that have such standards which help’s promote a healthy working environment as well as a successful and prosperous business.
1e.) The role of strategic leadership in a leading and implementing change within organisation is that to make sure that everyone is doing their job using different types of strategies. Basically approaching employees or anyone in the work force with different type of ways such as one strategic leadership strategy would be being able to learn and adapt which is vital to sustainability. Failure to be able to adapt to changing technology, climate change, and economic factors risks the organization becoming obsolete.It is vital for a strategic leader to have a plan and a mission statement that relates to the company’s mission statement as well. They have a strong ability to adapt really easily and when change arrives to cope and adjust the environment to that as well.
1f.) The styles and attributes and behaviors that make a leader effective are that 使领导者有效的风格、属性和行为是
Setting goals and objectives.设定目标。
Planning tasks and activities to meet goals.规划任务和活动以实现目标。
Communicating with teams and individuals.与团队和个人沟通。
Recognising other people’s’ strengths, limitations and potential.认识到他人的优势、局限性和潜力。
Organising work and delegating to others.组织工作并委派给他人。
Inspiring others to act to meet goals.激励他人采取行动实现目标。
Giving and receiving feedback.给予和接受反馈。
Reviewing performance.审查绩效。
Resolving problems.解决问题。
Continually improving processes.持续改进流程。
Optimistic 乐观
Emotional stability 情绪稳定
Compulsiveness 强制性
Clear vision – passionately held, communicated to others, at the centre of the leader’s priorities and activities.清晰的愿景——热情地把握并与他人沟通,是领导者优先事项和活动的核心。
Integrity – acting outwardly in a manner consistent with their inner values.正直——以符合其内在价值观的方式行事。
Dedication – giving what time is needed to achieve the vision, setting the example.奉献精神——给予实现愿景所需的时间,树立榜样。
Magnanimity – giving others the credit where they deserve it and taking responsibility for failures.宽容——给予他人应得的荣誉,并为失败承担责任。
Humility – recognising that the leader is not a better person than their followers.谦逊——认识到领导者并不比追随者更好。
Openness – being prepared to listen to new ideas, even if they challenge their own view.开放性——准备倾听新想法,即使它们挑战了自己的观点。
Creativity – thinking differently, developing new ideas, encouraging new ideas in others.创造力——以不同的方式思考,发展新想法,鼓励他人产生新想法。
Fairness – treating everyone consistently and justly, not jumping to conclusions before hearing the facts.公平——始终如一、公正地对待每个人,而不是在听到事实之前就下结论。
Assertiveness – stating what one wants clearly, without aggression, while also respecting others’ views.自信——明确表达自己想要什么,不带攻击性,同时尊重他人的观点。
Sense of humour – to relieve tension, diffuse hostility and to engage followers.幽默感——缓解紧张情绪,消除敌意,吸引追随者。
i.) Calvin Klein as a leader has very optimistic approach, which is vital for leader to have because of the sailor starts getting scared of the storm then the boat will surely drown. It is very important as an leader to take the good and the bad when doing business. In 1984 Calvin Klein a major fashion icon and the founder of Calvin Klein was in 80 million dollars of debt, the designer jeans that started out as hit eventually dried down and his company hit rock bottom. He refinanced with bonds. He had to eventually file bankruptcy. Eventua