
Assignment写作格式:Brazil Automotive Industry Supply Chain

日期:2023年10月30日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:520
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202310300935351952 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
t the main challenges are to properly coordinate and manage the company’s supply chain – which involves automakers, suppliers, retailers (distributors and resellers) and end customers. Moreover, due to the complexity of its operations, parts, and components, is more than necessary the success in running a supply chain, otherwise, your production will be disrupted.
The supply chain management is a quite new matter, which has difficulted the understanding in the field, having few publications about this available in Brazil (Di Serio, Oliveira, Schuch & Martins, 2011). In a recent field survey by Sodhi and Tang, (2012), it was concluded that this new field ofadministrative practice presents three gaps: the first one is related to the terms used in risk management within the supply chain, which is not consolidated and shows communication problems between the researchers. The second gap, according to the article’s authors, addresses the process and points to inadequate coverage of responses to risks and incidents. Finally, the methodological gap, with the inadequate use of empirical methods in the published research was pointed as a deficiency.
Also, can be observed that automakers are increasingly using lean and agile production systems, evolved concepts of “Mass Production Systems”, which contribute considerably to the elimination of waste[1] and the continuous improvement of processes and products, always aiming to respond satisfactorily to the needs of the consumer market. For this, it is also necessary that the entire automotive supply chain meets the quality standards in the market, aiming at greater integration of suppliers, sub-suppliers, customers and assembler, in this way, optimizing time and resources, which automatically maximizes the profitability of all the chain.
According to the article, the auto industry is concerned with reducing costs and deadlines and any disruption in the supply chain has the potential to stop production (Guedes et al., 2015). Problems arising from an interruption in communication, equipment problems, etc. are difficult to measure, but very important. In this way, members of the chain should assess the likelihood of events that can interrupt production and the extent to which they can tolerate those risks.
It is possible to perceive that the main changes in the manufacturing systems really arose from the needs of the automobile industries to stay in the market, reducing their costs, streamlining their production and service process, eliminating waste, all aiming for a faster and more satisfactory response to customers. The automotive supply chain is highly dynamic and requires changing concepts aligned with the changes demanded by the market. This requires fast and coherent decisions because any failure in the process can jeopardize the entire chain.
A case study was made in the article to illustrate the actual situation of the automakers and the risks involved in the process and according to the authors, this is a perfect example why is important having an effective supply chain management system in case of disruption for any issue or even force majeure[2]. The study was made with an automaker which is listed within t