
Entrepreneurship Assignment格式:Business Plan for Car Kursaal

日期:2022年11月24日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:862
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202211242349418742 论文字数:4000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:新西兰 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
lude self-clean and other auto car wash services in Christchurch city. High quality services and new equipments and systems will be provided for customers. It will has eight car-wash bays to offer vacuum services and polishing services. It will also provide some drinks and food for customers. The owner has been a CEO of a car dealer company for around ten years. During those then years, the owner was running some other business such as night club.
Car Kursaal是基督城一家充满活力的公司,它将在基督城提供不同类型的洗车服务,包括自清洁和其他洗车服务。将为客户提供高质量的服务和新的设备和系统。它将有八个洗车间,提供真空服务和抛光服务。它还将为顾客提供一些饮料和食物。这位车主在一家汽车经销商公司担任首席执行官大约十年。在那几年里,店主经营着一些其他的生意,比如夜总会。
3. Product Description 产品描述
Some different types of services will be provided for customers including Self-clean Car Wash, Shampoo Wash, and Polishing Wash. Self-clean Car Wash will be the simplest service among those services but the price will be the lowest that means customers just cost 8 dollars to wash their cars, but it will limit the wash time they use. It will provide 5 minutes to use the water facilities and 10 minutes to use the cleaning facilities. The second type of car washing ways is Shampoo Wash which is much easier than the first one, the cost of this service will be 12 dollars. Another one is Polishing Wash which will include special step to polish cars. It will be the highest level of those services and the cost will be 16 dollars. On the other hand, the last two ways of auto washing services will provide another option for car drying, just need cost one more dollar to save much time for drying step using flash dry smart system which will be convenient to both of customers and shop owners.
4.1 Market Segmentation 市场细分
This car washing shop will be established on Riccarton district which is near to the University of Canterbury, Christchurch Boys High School, Bush Inn Centre and Westfield Riccarton Mall. There are several different kinds of customers that will be involved in, that are, university students, high school students and their parents and visiting and shopping customers. The larger groups of the prospective customers that who will do the washing services will be shopping customers and university students. The smaller one should be high school students and their parents. Another prospective group of customers will be from car rental company and car deal company. There are many companies engaged in the hire of cars, car tental is generally for a period of days, and the customer has to fulfill certain formalities and sign forms (Hirshberg, I., 1994). They must keep those cars clean before they return them.
4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy 目标市场细分战略
Due to the location of this shop, three different markets will be considered by us. The first one is shopping and visiting customers who are shopping in the two malls which is described above. This market will be the most important one because they have finance capability to cost some money to wash their cars when they after their shopping. The second market will be the students from Canterbury University. This group has the largest proportion of all customers because the university has more than 20,000 students which include both of domestic students and international students and most of them may have some savings from part-time jobs or other ways which means they will have some finance support to do car maintain services which include car washing services, but they may not have enough finance to support their extra car expenses compare to shopping and visiting customers. The la