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Case write-aqualisa quartz

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201405131543434640 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1297
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201502122240193680 论文字数:996 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科预科课程作业 BA Pre Coursework
相关标签:Case study
论文题目:Case write-aqualisa quartz


Case write-aqualisa quartz

Aqualisa quarts: a simply better shower. this is a extremely inventive product developed by aqualisa, so far as its both quality and price, has been facing stiff challenges in the market since its issue four months ago. One of the customer(a plumber) described the product a ‘push-fit-connect-you’re done’ shower and provide the customers ‘what they (the plumbers)want. because of the above facts, quartz’s sales were not good and did not come to the company’s expectations.
This paper make an analysis of a+qualisa’s survival strategy, starting with market fractionize and behavior contributing to the 4Ps(product, place, price and promotion). After analyzing , employers have provided many suggestions that will help aqualisa in establishing an influential marketing plan.

Aqualisa’s marketing strategy(4ps)and quartz

At present, aqualisa already has a prosperous marketing strategy , having 25%net repay on sales and also having a growth of 5%to 10% in a more established market. they have usefully divided their markets and have products that specially supply different needs. Their powerful channel relationships and allocation has contributed them acquire a brilliant brand name in the market. here is aqualisa’s 4ps ‘s concise debate about an key point on their new service quartz.The debate focus on aqualisa now in the face of quartz and offering a proposal afterwards.
Just as the presentations from the above ,aqualisa provide a large of products to meet the needs of kinds of market require. The late preliminary of Quartz showers has been a huge jump for Aqualisa related to product quality , cost either.  The enterpriseusenearly 3 years and cost 3.8 million ongrowing the goods.  It was established after taking a complete marketplaceconsideration and recognizing the issues in presentgoods – leading to somegoods that 'customers usuallylike'
The productsare providedas two types - Quartz ideal (do not need a tube to boost water stress) and Quartz extra charge (concluding the tube).  Theelectronic uses has made the product to meet specialsuperiority, not onlyrelate to characteristics (the apply of pointer light to symbol that acquired temperature has been meeted) but also relate toapplication. If like this, the simple of application makes it desirable for the customer who are unable to use it. In addition, no heavy boxes change into preferableappearance and fashion.

Place (Distribution Channels):

Aqualisa supply its products by a extensivesort of allocation output - from barterstore, exhibition rooms, DIY Sheds,pipe-fitters and export contracts. They are able to offer customers (the actual users) with a display - which is a key to Quartz success. Once the customer has 'seen' the benefits, the product is sold and the 'love it'. Quartz has become the leading product of the showrooms, where it has gone on display


Aqualisa obtains a good fame and idiograph in the market.the products belong of its, with high quality and performance to help it reach the 3 position, with nearly 18% market share (325500 unit 1.8million).
Quartz is the improvement of existing products in Aqualisa. However, it is secure to say, quartz is a new product, it provides advanced in function, performance and flexibility. In order to promote the quartz, Aqualisa has taken several measures - exhibition, face-to-face contact with the plumber, but in the Sunday mail advertising. Quartz is granted in the bathroom exposition award, received high praise from all the reporters, they are keen on products of "smart" and "elegant design.

Some significant facts can be considered from the table as below: 
* Retailer margins across all product categories is fairly the same, ranging about 47%. 
* Aqualisa's cash cow - Aquavalve has a manufacturer's margin of about 60% - comnparable to both the Quartz models.
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