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Case write-aqualisa quartz

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201405131543434640 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1297
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201502122240193680 论文字数:996 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科预科课程作业 BA Pre Coursework
相关标签:Case study
ost of manufacturing Quartz is higher than that of Aquavalve - hence the higher retail price. As will be described below, Quartz offers good value for the end customers not only in terms of product features but also price, even though it is their highest priced product.

Some significant facts could be seen as following:
The profit of retail is the same in all product categories, the range of about 47%.
The manufacturing cost of quartz is higher than the cost of aquavalve - therefore, higher retail prices.
According to the description of the below,quartz can not onlyprovide terminal customers with good value in terms of product,  function also has a price, despite of the fact that it obtains the highest price for their products.

Compared  Aquavalve Value with Quartz Standard:
A representative installation of aquavalve need 1-2 days. Supposing an average of 70 per hour charge Plumber (including excavation of labour and material) installation and it needs 12 hours, the customer will pay 840, more than 390 of the retail price of a total of 1230


Aqualisa has developed a kind of thing that will lead to market products are facing from effectively positioning and the challenge for delivery to the final customer. Slow sales of the worry about professor Rawlinson think big'.
Leading into a new product on the market is a company's challenges, especially when customers had a bad experience with similar products before. However, we must take into account the quartz  is a genius and a lot of energy and resources into the development of it, create a product, which customers“ want ”. In the past 20 years, the progress of technology was enormous, although customers worried  innovation, it is impossible to sell products to their skilled. Pointed out that in this case, once the plumber used new quartz, they immediately is post purchase evaluation of purchase in favour of aqualisa. This provides the repeat business term aqualisa potential is tremendous, because the British shower market mostly replaced shower and a plumber tend to remain loyal to their choice of brand.
Aqualisa is a challenge for the effective communication of the customer, make them realize that they have developed a productto catch up with competitors 


Jobber, D. (2004). Principles and Practices of Marketing,pp, 23
McGraw Hill.Youngme. M. (2003). Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower. HBS, pp, 26