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Case study- Callaway Golf Ball Company

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201405131543434640 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1210
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201502122244551111 论文字数:1176 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科预科课程作业 BA Pre Coursework
相关标签:Case study
论文题目: Case study- Callaway Golf Ball Company

Case study- Callaway Golf Ball Company

The founder established Callaway Golf Ball Company in 1982. And the world's largest manufacturer of golf clubs is committed to continuously innovate for all golf lovers, providing a variety of products and services and helping them improve these days. Callaway’s mission is to develop "more approachable product" for amateurs. This kind of customer value takes Callaway into the glory in the 1990 s. Callaway's mission is to develop "more approachable product" for amateurs.
This paper makes an detailed analysis of Callaway Golf Ball Company, starting with market frationize and behavior contributing to the 4Ps(product, place, price and promotion). After analyzing, some recommendations will be provided to help Callaway Golf Ball Company in establishing an influential marketing plan.  .
Since entering into 2000, due to the errors in the product development direction, Callaway advocacy has failed getting the customer value proposition and the company has the crisis for many years. So it is urged to start the journey of transferring the Callaway restructuring from a professional sporting goods company to a mass consumer goods company. 


Callaway Company is classic when the launch of "Big Bertha" in 1991 happened. Prior to this, the No. 1 tee wood is usually on the players tee off bar the highest precision. Ball point deviates slightly from the ball which will deflect. However, the "Big Bertha" expanded the club in the sweet spot, increasing fault tolerance so that the player can hit a ball in the point deviating from the sweet spot (under the condition of eccentric ball). In addition, Callaway Golf Company noticed mang club members all over the world have not taken up golf because Golf seems very hard. So, the Big Bertha was invented, which converted many non-customers. 
Promotion: when Big Berthas was first launched in 1991, magazines and television were all used for the advertisement. At first, Callaway Golf Company treats R&D seriously. However, the phenomenon became rather relaxed to some degree at the end.


Besides price and products, how to distribute goods and services customers are also vital, which shows concerns about that product is available the proper quantities at the right time and place. Inventory controls, se;ection of marketing channels and order processing are all involved in the distribution decisions. In the case of Callaway Golf Ball Company, producs are generally bought from a wholesaler for retail. There merchandise is sold and displayed to consumers 
Price:The price often ranges form different situations. The product itself meeting the needs of the market is also the beginning of success. During the period of setting wholesale prices pf products, the cost, the rare level and the impact on consumers are all considered.
The Callaway Golf Ball Company had a major strength which was regarded as the breakthrough R&D pioneering three revolutionary product designs. In addition, the products use the concept of S2H2. In terms of customers behavior, it can be hard to describe accurately. To be exact, emotions ranged from frausration to addicition for the game with high competiveness and blamed equipment for poor play. Therefore, it is necessary to update clubs. And everything is confusing. It is not clear which clubs are the best. Also, when some consumers take participate in some clubs, bags and accessories can be regarded as a symbol of status. 


To be honest, Callaway Company should first change the perception and focus of the marketing. The reason is that the premium priced golf clubs of Callaway Companyhas not matched the hard economic struggles nowadays and the changing culture of Callaway Company threatens the profits and sales.Callaway Golf Ball Company owes the success in bussi