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日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201410131153577047 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1346
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201501251846071947 论文字数:3141 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper



本研究局限于研究电子商务中关于社会存在对消费者信任度的影响(电子商务)。现有研究表明,信任在电子商务网站中是增加网上消费者购买意识的一个关键因素,在有信任的基础上,随之销售量会上升{62 Koufaris,M.2002;49 Gefen,D.2000,51 Gefen,D.2003}。然而,由于缺乏直接的人机交互,在网上很难建立网上信任度,这是供应商和消费者之间建立信任度过程中固有的一部分{52 Gefen,D。2004}.2004}。许多消费者不网上购物的一个主要原因是因为网络公司缺乏信任,这意味着信任成为电子商务发展的最大障碍之一。{61 Koufaris,M.2004;86 Wang,h . 2004}。实现社会存在是与该问题及其相关的,因为社会存在的实现可能会减少消费者对网上购物缺乏信任的现象产生,通过把人类元素添加到电子商务网站,从而增加消费者的信任和购买意识。{80 Hassanein,k . 2007;88 Jarvenpaa,S.L. 1999}。这种社会存在和网上信任之间的关系,正是本研究将重点关注的问题。

Electronic commerce (E-commerce) is regularly used by consumers to make purchases online. The levels of social interaction between consumers and sales staff within the setting of most E-commerce, however, can be seen as a highly impersonal or non-existent relationship in comparison to a physical store environment. Previous studies have indicated that social presence in e-commerce increases consumers trust and hence increase their intention to purchase; however, these studies focus on popular e-commerce websites and bear little advice for new companies wanting to enter the market of E-commerce. Existing research has shown various factors which contribute towards building trust among consumers; however, this study will focus specifically on the effects of social presence on the formation of initial trust in a new e-commerce website in an Online Book Store environment. Students from the University of Cape Town, in the Western Cape, will be surveyed using a questionnaire in order to determine how initial trust can be built in a website, with which they have had no prior interactions with. The research will consist of a descriptive study and will be used in order to help build a greater understanding of the relationship between social presence and trust formation in an e-commerce environment.

Key Words:Social Presence, Initial Trust, Perceived Risk, E-Loyalty, Online Book Store

Limited research exists regarding the effects of social presence on consumer trust in electronic commerce (e-commerce). Existing research has shown that trust in an e-commerce website is a key determinant in increasing an online consumer’s intent to purchase from that website, which in turn leads to increased sales {{62 Koufaris,M. 2002; 49 Gefen,D. 2000; 51 Gefen,D. 2003}}. However, online trust is difficult to build due to the lack of direct human interaction online, which is an inherent part of trust building process between vendor and consumer {{52 Gefen,D. 2004}}. Lack of trust in online companies is a primary reason why many consumers do not shop online, meaning that trust creates one of the biggest obstacles to the growth of e-commerce. {{61 Koufaris,M. 2004; 86 Wang, H. 1998}}. The implementation of social presence is particularly relevant to this problem, as its implementation could potentially reduce the lack of consumer trust online by adding human elements to an e-commerce website, and consequently increase consumer trust and intention to purchase. {{80 Hassanein, K. 2007; 88 Jarvenpaa, S.L. 1999}}. It is this relationship between social presence and online trust which this study will focus on.

Previous research has examined the effect of social presence on online consumer trust {{52 Gefen,D. 2004; 44 Cyr,D. 2007; 80 Hassanein, K. 2007}}, with {{52 Gefen,D. 2004}} finding that perceived social presence increases the trust an online consumer has of a website. However the majority of the above mentioned research focused on popular, existing e-commerce sites (such as, which we feel provides little value to completely new companies wanting to enter the market. We propose