

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1830
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201108261316463157 论文字数:34259 所属栏目:知识产权法论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

摘   要
我国出台不久的《反垄断法》中规定的滥用市场支配地位的行为和附则中对滥用知识产权行为的规定、专利法中规定的强制许可条款都给我国适用基础设施理论留下了空间。《反垄断法》无法对知识产权滥用的具体行为加以系统而全面的调整或规制,缺乏有效性和可操作性,强制实施许可制度利益的天平都过分倾向了他人利益和社会公共利益,没有严格的限制条件。在反垄断法中以基础设施理论这种具体操作规则来规制滥用市场支配地位的行为,在规制知识产权滥用的条例、规章或指南中用基础设施理论强化专利强制许可条件,让基础设施理论在知识产权反垄断领域更好的发挥作用。在具体司法操作中,借鉴美国第七巡回上诉法院于MCI Communication Corp. V. AT&T, Inc.一案中所确定的四个要件来进行判定即可。


   Essential Facility Doctrine claims that when a monopolist has controlled a essential facility which is necessary to a competitor’s access to a market, and the competitor is inability to practically or reasonably duplicate, the monopolist has the duty to deal with the competitor. The “essential facility” is a facility which competitors are not able to access and practically or reasonably duplicate and is necessary to their access to a market.
Essential Facility Doctrine developed from Section 2 of the Sherman Act. It is applied to antitrust laws of America, European Union and Taiwan widely. At first, application of Essential Facility Doctrine was in tangible physical facilities like highway, railroad and bridge, with the development of science and technology, there is still applicable room in intangible intellectual property field. Using unitarity, publicity and universal applicability of technical standard, intellectual property combined with technical standard makes obligee forming market dominant position. When oblige rejects authorizing its intellectual property to other competitors, he does nothing else but excluding them from related market. It hampers fair competition order, abuses market dominant position and constitutes monopoly.
Now our country is in the stage of importing intellectual property, many economic fields especially IT lack their own core intellectual properties. Network effect is particularly strong in these fields, especially when some kinds of technical standard have formed market entry barriers, other enterprises of our country are not able to participate in competition when intellectual property right holders refuse to deal. In order to safeguard industrial interests of our country, protect market competition order and keep the sustained, healthy and rapid development of the national market economy, it’s necessary to introduce Essential Facility Doctrine. On the other side, national technical standard system is in the middle of establishment, intellectual property combined with technical standard is inevitable outcome of development of social economy and technology, situation needs us to increase our intellectual property influence through technical standard, in order to avoid error in the process of technical standard system and prevent intellectual property holders restricting competition and gaining illegal interests by technical standard, Essential Facility Doctrine is also needed.
The regulation of the compulsory license of patent in our country and conducts of abusing dominant position in our antitrust law make the appliance of Essential Facility Doctrine feasible. Antitrust law can’t adjust conduct of abusing intellectual property systematically and completely which lacks effectiveness and maneuverability. According to compulsory lice