

日期:2018年07月25日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3887
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201502121820399414 论文字数:21980 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


It has been over three decades since the adoption of reform and opening-up, China haswitnessed many great changes on its road towards modernization: China was admitted intothe big family of World Trade Organization(WTO), and succeeded in hosting the 2008Beijing Olympic Gammes and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, to name just a few, all of theseachievements demonstrate our country’s national comprehensive strength and itsunprecedented level of international engagement. As China becomes more integrated with therest of the world, it is in great need of excellent interpreters to serve as a bridge for mutualunderstanding, thus research on interpreting is quite to the point.English is one of the most popular languages in the contemporary world, and Englishbusiness interpreting plays an important role in the future development of our economy , andit works as a medium in the process of international business meetings and negotiations.However, it is not until the 1990s that China’s interpretation market began to enjoy rapidgrowth. More and more English-learners are bracing challenges and make up their mind to bea professional interpreter,Business English is a language with specific purposes, distinctive fixed language formsand word formation (Li Taizhi, 2005:14). Sometimes, written materials and oral presentationson economics and foreign trade can be highly technical, even a tiny mistake in choosing aword may devastate a potential cooperation between companies and cause enormous loss tothem, which is well known to most translators and interpreters who pay extra attention tobusiness interpretation. Therefore, business interpreters are ready to pour their strength intolearning some basic knowledge of economics, foreign trade, law, and international commercepractices, etc.

Chapter I A Brief Review Of Interpretation

1.1 History of Interpretation
People may wonder, what is interpretation ? Is it same to the concept of translation ?Maybe, attending an international conference can give you direct and vivid experience ofhearing the constant voice of an interpreter transmitting through the earphone. However, mostpeople do not have such opportunities, so imagine a group of people sitting in a room,theymay be politicians, businessman or women, trade unionists and scientists. They wish toexchange ideas and discuss their work but speak total different languages,none of themspeaks the other’s language well enough for the discussion to be useful. So they invitesomeone else in,who speaks both languages, to explain what each is saying in turn, and thatperson is an interpreter. By bridging the gap between languages, the interpreter helps speakersto discharge their duty to make themselves understood and help listeners to know what isbeing said during the meeting.Interpretation can be defined in a nutshell as conveying understanding. Its usefulnessstems from the fact that a speaker’s meaning is best expressed in his or her native tongue butis best understood in the languages of the listeners(James Nolan, 2008:2). Interpretation hasbeen in existence ever since mankind has used the spoken word , it is one of the oldest jobs inthe history and makes a large contribution to the relationships and exchanges between peopleof different origins.However, it is really difficult to pinpoint which year interpretation emerged due to thelack of hard historical evidence. The first written proof of interpreting dates back to 3000 BC,the Ancient Egyptians had a pictographic meaning "interpreter". The next popular use ofinterpreting occurred in Ancient Rome and Greece, Both the Ancient Greeks and Romansthought the language of the people that they conquered was very coarse and vulgar. Soprisoners, slaves, and some ethnic groups were forced to learn different languages andassumed interpreting for the nobility. From this era up to the seventeenth century, Latin wasthe the language of diplomacy, across the entire Europe, and all nations need to have someoff