

日期:2018年07月25日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3887
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201502121820399414 论文字数:21980 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
icials who could speak Latin fluently and communicate with their foreign counterparts so as to sustain diplomatic relations.For centuries, interpreting gradually developed due to a number of reasons. One reasonis religion: People of many different religions have explored into other territories to preachtheir beliefs. From the 7thto 8thcenturies AD, ancient Arabs introduced Islam to Africancontinent, interpreters helped in spreading the Koran to the local villages, and Arabic, thelanguage of the Koran, became known to more people. Christianity is also a ambitiousreligion that has always aspired to expand its territory. In 1253, With the support of Louis IXWilliam of Rubruck made a great expedition into Asia with the accompany of interpreters,which was one of the very first major-scale, pure missionary journeys,and to spread the wordof God was his only purpose.The second reason behind the development of interpreting was the launch of the Age ofExploration. Westerners were eager to explore new lands, with many expeditions, they werebound to come across others who spoke a completely different language. One of the mostfamous interpreters in history was born in the Age of Exploration, specifically in the early16th century. This interpreter was Do a Marina, also known as "la Malinche",of Mexicandecent . She is a good example of interpreters in that era, the interpreters that helped theconquerors were often of native descent, their own people often viewed them as traitors,regardless of whether they were against their will. However, these people served as aconnection between the aboriginals and the explorers,they enabled many treaties thatotherwise would have been impossible; they made their contribution in the formation oftoday’s word.The next major advancement in interpreting occurred in the last century. At theInternational Labor Conference in Geneva, Switzerland in 1927, simultaneous interpreting (SI)was used for the very first time. However, after the conference, SI was considered tooexpensive and complex to use during World War Two(WWII), so it was not until 1945, in theNuremberg war crimes trial that SI was put into use more widely. It marked the application ofSI into almost every conference from then on. As a matter of fact ,after the Nuremberg trialended, the United Nations' 152 Resolution established SI as a permanent service for the UNin 1947.Although oral inter

1.2General Classifications of Conference Interpretation
What is the difference between consecutive interpretation and simultaneousinterpretation? A brief comparison will answer this question.A consecutive interpreter listens to the speaker, takes notes, then reproduces the speechin the target language. Depending on the length of the speech, this may be done all at onesegments or in several ones. The consecutive interpreter depends mainly on memory, butgood note-taking technique is an important need.A simultaneous interpreter sitting in a soundproof booth, listens to the speaker throughearphones and speaking into a microphone, reproduces the speech as it is being delivered ,the simultaneous interpreter works in real time, and can only lag behind the speaker for a fewseconds, after the speaker finishes, the interpretation should be fast and efficient. This modeneeds quick response and the ability of working under much stress.Consecutive interpretation was once the standard method, since simultaneousinterpretation was first widely tried out and thanks to the invention of modern soundequipments, SI is becoming the most popular method, in various meetings, from businessconferences, negotiations, to summits, and if necessary, remote interpreting is alsofeasible.With participants speaking a number of languages without interruption, it can saveprecious time and enable a bilingual or multi-lingual summit.However, consecutive interpretation is still preferable in one-on-one intervi