

日期:2018年03月27日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3133
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201506151142444855 论文字数:0 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
During the recent decades, English, as a global language, has been well-developed. People all over theworld in their daily life, in the process of globalization, come to realize the essentially significant functionof English. It has become one of the most widespread communicative tools. Observing the English teachingand learning process in the past three decades in China, there exist tremendous achievements as well asfailures. Reviewing the procedures of English study, Chinese focused on grammar and vocabulary at first,ignoring the ability to listen and speak. Then the communicative function of English language motivatedthe development of listening and speaking. For foreign language learners, listening, speaking, reading andwriting are four basic language skills when acquiring the language. As a matter of fact, students have paidlittle time and energy to writing. As four fundamental elements of English language, writing could not drawpeople’s too much attention all the time in China. Due to different reasons, teachers tend to put the writingassignments after class. Furthermore, proper practice about writing has been ignored in daily teachingactivities.There is no doubt that English writing has been an important part in English learning. Firstly, it is oneof the four basic skills in the course of English teaching and learning, involving vocabulary, phrases,sentence structures, grammar, which outputs a leaners’ comprehensive language acquisition. On the otherhand, writing plays a vital role, influencing learners' performance in various English exams andapplications. Furthermore, English writing proficiency has its practical needs in society. Actually, Studentsdo not learn English only for the purpose of passing exams. Most importantly, nowadays, a number of jobsrequire people to communicate with foreigners or foreign companies not only through phones but alsoe-mails or faxes. As a consequence, future job hunters need to have an outstanding ability to expressthemselves both in Chinese and English. This study attempts to improve students’ English proficiency,preparing students for future development.

1.2 Purpose of the Study
During the teaching practice, there comes a phenomenon: students and teachers do not pay muchattention to writing. From the teachers’ perspective, teachers are restricted by time limitation andtremendous teaching contents in daily teaching activity. They are used to assigning writing tasks after classas homework. They do not have enough energy and time to read and correct students’ papers one by onecarefully. What they can do is to select admirable essays to share in class. From the students’ standpoint,they spend more time on vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening. As for them, they only need to handin five or six pieces of writing papers in a term, which only marks 25 scores within 100 or150 words.After years of teaching in the Kang Xian No.1 Middle School, the author, as an English teacher insenior middle school, realizes that there is certain correlation between students’ Chinese writingproficiency and English writing proficiency. That is to say, learners’ L1 writing ability influences their L2writing ability. The thesis aims to find out whether learners’ L1 writing correlates L2 writing. To be moreconcrete, the paper focuses on whether learners’ L1-L2 writing proficiencies correlate with each other.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Previous Researches on Correlation of L1 Writing Proficiency and L2 Writing Proficiency
In 1990, Carson came up with the relationships cross-languages and cross –skills in the process ofadult ESL learners acquiring L2 literacy skills. The investigation aims to find out the relativity between thereading and writing skills of the learners’ native language and their foreign language, especiallyconcentrating on the relationships between the