
英语论文范文:教育学research proposal范本

日期:2018年03月27日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:5667
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201311032006001574 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Research Proposal

Title: To what extent is studying online through e-learning used in UEA MA Education.
With the high development of the cyber technique during the 21st century, online education appears more and more frequently currently. An increasing numbers of people choose to study online and teachers are more likely to use cyber pedagogical methods to do teaching. All kinds of e-learning are applied into our studying lives. In contrast to traditional education, e-learning has a lot of advantages, such as more convenient, faster or freer. As UK is one of the most advanced countries that have better applications of high techniques in educational areas, the research is going to focus on the extent of e-learning used in the higher educational system in the UK, and the researcher will take UEA EDU as an example.
Research Questions
The research is aim at researching into how effective is e-learning used in UEA education. Researcher will choose MA students as samples and look around the problems about: 
1. What kinds of technologies are frequently used in e-learning among teachers and students major in MA education in UEA?
2. How do teachers and learners major in MA Education in UEA use e-learning in their learning processes? 
3. What advantages and disadvantages do teachers and learners use e-learning in MA Education in UEA?
The research will use interview and questionnaire as research methods. Interview is a powerful way to gain insight into educational and other important social issues through understanding the experience of the individuals whose lives reflect those issues. As a method of inquiry, interviewing is most consistent with people’s ability to make meaning through language. And it helps to do qualitative research.
Literature review
Functionally, e-learning includes a wide variety of learning strategies and ICT applications for exchanging information and gaining knowledge. Such ICT applications include television and radio; Compact Discs (CDs) and Digital Versatile Discs (DVDs); video conferencing; mobile technologies; web-based technologies; and electronic learning platforms. This section discusses what these ICTs entail and their pedagogical, technical and cost implications.

World Wide Web (WWW) is set of software tools and standards that allow users to obtain and distribute information stored on a server and connected to Internet. WWW is a decentralized information system, in which anyone can add new information whenever he/she wants. Lecture notes and other teaching materials are placed on the WWW and linking useful websites to these resources for students to access. In the recent years, web and Internet technologies have matured significantly by providing a uniform access media for both asynchronous and synchronous learning. This phenomenon has significantly increased the popularity of on-line learning (Chen et al., 2004). 
E-learning platforms (sometimes called learning management systems (LMS)) are applications used for delivery of learning content and facilitation of learning process.  They are developed for administration and teaching in tertiary education. This software enables the administrators and lecturers to treat enrolment data electronically, offer electronic access to course materials and carry out assessments (OECD, 2005). The activities managed by the LMS vary from instructor-led classroom training to educational seminars to Web-based online training. In addition to managing the administrative functions of online learning, some systems helps create, reuse, locate, deliver, manage, and improve learning content. These systems are called Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) (Rengarajan, 2001). LCMS actually provide tools to deliver instructor-led synchronous and asynchronous online tra