4.Case study
4.1 Focus on the Thought Process of the Original Author by theTextual Coherence
Newmark(2010b)proposes that the translator only tries to reproduce theaccurate contextual meaning of the original author within the limitations of targetsyntax and semantics.The purpose of communicative translation is to reproduce thesame effect as that felt by the original readers as much as possible.The semantictranslation aims to translate the semantic and syntactic structure of the target languageto embody the accurate contextual meaning of the source text as much as possible.Halliday(2004)believes that cohesion is a semantic concept,which refers to themeaning relationship between text and text.Cohesion occurs when the illustration ofone element in a text depends on another element.Halliday and Hasan(1976)classifycohesion into five categories:reference,substitution,ellipsis,conjunction and lexicalcohesion.Thompson(2000)believes that cohesion refers to the linguistic means thatpeople can use to indicate the coherence of communicative discourse.Therefore,it isa textual phenomenon:people can point out the textual features that play a cohesiverole.
Inter-sentence coherence includes close coherence in adjacent sentences,farcoherence in non-adjacent sentences,and even further coherence through the text.Thecoherence between sentences includes reference,substitution,ellipsis,connection andlexical cohesion.Semantic translation chooses words,phrases and clauses as translation units while communicative translation chooses paragraphs.
5.1 Major Findings
The study chooses semantic translation and communicative translation strategiesguiding the translation of scientific and technical text.The source text here introducesthe diagnosis methods and working process of different braking system parts in detailwith the form of words,pictures,and tables.Therefore,when examining theappropriateness of translation skills,the paper pays special attention to whether theimpact of the target language on the target language readers is as close as that of thesource language.Generally speaking,the association between semantic andcommunicative translation and text types provides an effective way to solve thedifficulties encountered in the translation tasks.Here are some findings from thetranslation process.
First of all,since the source text is written from the perspective of vehiclemaintenance,there are many terminologies related to the automobile.Oncemistranslated,it delays the work efficiency of maintenance personnel.How totranslate them accurately to the target language readers needs to be considered.Whilereferring to relevant texts and translation textbooks,the paper evaluates differenttranslation skills in the process of task.The selection of appropriate methods is fromtwo aspects:a.the knowledge level of readers;b.the professional level of the text(Newmark,2001b).The target readers may be staffs engaged in automobilemaintenance,automobile dealers,automobile manufacturers and so on.They have adetailed understanding of specific terms,such as“engine chamber”,“brake disc”,“caliper bracket”,“ECU”,“ABS”and so on.Therefore,literal translation andtransliteration annotation are adopted to reproduce the content of the source text accurately;the synthesis method is used to translate scientific and technological terms,which is also the most important way to form and expand scientific and technologicalterms.For example:车门锁芯:Door key cylinder;高位刹车灯:High mount stoplamp;密封胶条:weather strip,etc.