

日期:2020年03月05日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1560
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202003012240274249 论文字数:35599 所属栏目:教育教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
...... 30

5.1.1 Interest in English....................................30

5.1.2 Interaction in English Class.......................32

Chapter Five Analysis and Discussion

5.1 Current Situation of Interactive Teaching Model in High School EnglishTeaching

The situation is revealed through an analysis of the questionnaire (see Appendix I)and interview (see Appendix II). The questionnaire is designed for studying students’English learning in the perspective of interaction. It is made up of 20 questions, whichparticipants are allowed to answer according to their actual situations. It is conductedamong 100 students in two classes. In addition, five 10th grade English teachers areselected randomly for the interview. According to different teaching contents, thequestionnaire is divided into four dimensions, with 5 questions each. And 10interview questions also correspond to these four dimensions. Detailed results areanalyzed as follows.

Figure 5-1-1 Histogram of the Data in the First Dimension

Figure 5-1-2 Histogram of the Data in the Second Dimension


Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings

Through the research of content-based interactive teaching model in high schoolEnglish teaching, this study aims to find out the current situation of interactiveteaching model in high school English teaching and the influence of teaching contenton interactive teaching model. In order to answer these questions, three tools are used:questionnaire survey, interview, and classroom observation. The findings of eightweeks of study are listed as follows.

Firstly, the current situation of interactive teaching model in high school Englishteaching is unsatisfactory. Because of the curiosity and expectation, though someuncertainty or vagueness, among students about interactive teaching model, currently,many high school teachers are using interactive teaching model as encouraged orrequested by their schools. However, the application of the model seems to beinadequate, for the traditional teaching model tends to aim squarely at scores.Therefore, it can be argued, at least to some extent, that current situation of interactiveteaching model in high school English teaching seems unsatisfactory, and requires animmediate reinforcement.

Secondly, in high school English classroom, when teachers take writing asteaching content, interactive teaching model is basically achieved by teacher-studentinteraction. When listening or reading is the teaching content, it is basically achievedby student-text interaction. When speaking is the teaching content, it is basicallyachieved by student-student interaction. However, in all English classes, the interaction mode is not single and absolute. In writing, listening, reading and speakingclasses, it is just that a certain type of interaction mode is dominant. There are alsosome other teaching contents. In these teaching contents, three interaction modes arecombined with each other, and the proportion of them is almost the same. It isinadequate for teachers to adopt fixed interactive teaching model. The implementationof interactive teaching model should be differentiated according to different teachingcontents. However, no matter how the teaching contents change, one thing remainsunchanged, that is, interaction must be carried out in high school English classes as animportant measure to avoid the deficiencies of traditional teaching model.
