

日期:2020年03月05日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1560
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202003012240274249 论文字数:35599 所属栏目:教育教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
esearched and developed. In view of the large number ofstudents in the class, American universities have carried out in-depth reform practice,and it improved the application research of interactive teaching model. At the sametime, Brown also used the 12 principles of language teaching (automation; meaningfullearning; expectation of rewards; stimulation of internal motivation; strategicinvestment; language ego; self-confidence; risk-taking; language and culturecombination; mother tongue impact; interlanguage; communicative competence) asthe standard to guide the development of English teaching. Brown believed that theinteractive teaching model should be fully utilized. The feasibility of interactiveteaching model should be tested by teaching practice, and the communication betweenteachers and students should be strengthened. Palincsar presented components of themodel in a short video. First, make full use of learning methods such as question andsummary. Second, weaken the participation of teachers in students’ learning.Strengthen the subject status of students. Encourage students to propose new ideasand insights, and expand students’ horizons. Third, encourage students by givingtimely encouragement and praise to improve their interest in learning. At the sametime, he believed that the interactive teaching model can well coordinate therelationship between teachers and students, between students and courses, and within students. The interactive teaching model can reconcile the contradictions betweenthem and ensure that students have a harmonious and pleasant learning atmosphere.This has a role in promoting and advancing teaching.


2.2 Research on Interactive Teaching Model in China

The research on interaction theory and interactive teaching started late in China.

In 1979, Professor Li Xiaoju introduced communicative approach to China.Communicative approach has transformed language teaching from grammartranslation to the way of communication. Researchers and teachers began to pay moreattention to students’ communicative competence and the use of target language.Since interaction is the core of communication, scholars began to study interactiveteaching model.

Chen Ying (1996) was an early researcher on interactive teaching. He thoughtthat students could learn knowledge by interacting with each other. After teaching practice, he fully affirmed this interaction and expanded the scope of interactionbetween students in subsequent teaching activities. This practice greatly stimulatedthe classroom atmosphere.

Zhou Ping (2001) put forward the application and relationship analysis ofinteractive teaching model among the various elements in the ClassroomCommunication Mode in Interactive Teaching Model.

Zhou Peng (2002), a master of Northeast Normal University, introduced in detailthe principles, characteristics, methods and significance of interactive teaching modelin his master’s thesis. He analyzed its theoretical basis in many aspects and brieflydescribed the research and development of interactive teaching model at home andabroad.

Xie Hong and Liu Hailiang (2003) analyzed the important role of interactiveactivities in language learning and put forward 10 interactive modes, such asteacher-student interaction, partner interaction and class discussion. Finally, therelationship between teacher’s role and active participation in interactive activitieswas analyzed.


Chapter Three Theoretical Basis........................... 17

3.1 The Definition of Interactive Teaching Model........................17

3.2 Constructivism...................................18

Chapter Four Research Design.................................25

4.1 Research Questions..................... 25

4.2 Research Subjects.....................................25

Chapter Five Analysis and Discussion...............................30

5.1 Current Situation of Interactive Teaching Model in High School EnglishTeaching..............................