

日期:2019年01月18日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:论文网 点击次数:3871
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201901181341398806 论文字数:2250 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
ve their self-esteem and self-value problem given a unique insult, and caused the irreverent communication multi set(Lucas , Kang, & Li, 2013). In addition, clear the workplace dignity is a central issue of staff concerned, scholars and activists, global business partners, and the leaders of Foxconn. But the most important problem in the evaluation of workplace dignity is that it is an elusive and ambiguous terms, also called as the ultimate value, there are few accurate definitions (Lee 2008; Sayer 2007). In addition, the assessment of identity becomes more and more complex, in cross culture environment. Perhaps one reason for this complexity is in the Foxconn facilities independent audit Apple's public accounts, the word dignity obviously did not save the opening statement, reiterated the company's commitment, the dignity of workers(Apple, 2011). Apple announced job stressors and mental health of the interviewer, worker individual account of dignity or lack of remain silent. In view of the Foxconn act event gravity, workers dignity must be taken more seriously.To complicate matters further, set the understanding of the changes and the human dignity of significant cross culture. In this section, we outline the basic concepts and theoretical thinking; emphasize the key differences in Asian and Western context of dignity concept.Therefore, the costs of the equality is quite when the equally treatment is taken in the Foxconn.
Not only the understanding and experience of cultural influence in the larger the dignity, but also tissue culture. No matter Is it right? Intentionally, organizations can increase vulnerability and increasing trade barriers and pursuit of the dignity of workers. This is especially for the total body. A general system is defined as a living and working in a large number of''place like in person, cut off from the society for a considerable period of time, leading to a closed, circular 'official life giving'. Compared to the civil society, personal work, play, and sleep, in different places of total institutions, individuals engaged in these activities concentrated in one place a single authority. Though the analysis of Goffman striking examples such as a prison and a mental hospital, also included in its total institutions such as barracks, the definition of certain types of work camp site, and boarding schools, where workers are contained in a bureaucratic organization system, control work, sleep, and play active member. Research on the general mechanism is including on-site inspection boat, now boarding school, and jail people working staff of the correctional services perspective. Foxconn is a general mechanism. And the employee does not need to live on campus, of which a considerable part of life in Foxconn City, dormitories, eat in the company canteen, host and they engage in leisure activities and social activities of the company. In all areas of life that managed to expand the scope of the round the clock control activities, coordination and / or monitor. 
Strategy and long-term goal战略和长期目标
In addition, measuring the output of people, rather than simply countingthe hours when they are at theirworkstation, is a helpful start. It isalso preferable to offer flexibleworking to all employees, ratherthan just women, so it doesn't act asa career blight or create envy amongstaff (Buckingham, 2014). General Motor is considered on the strategy and long-term goal