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皮尔森出版社个案研究 Case Study of Pearson Publisher

日期:2018年01月26日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1382
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201708311433456214 论文字数:1000 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study



This assessment will address the following three question through a successful case study of Pearson publisher:

The scope of the three variation models
Criticize two kinds of change management theories
Use the two change management tools to recommend a change plan
In the human history,it has organized activitues,had the management activities.Management activities of people experience summarized,formed a series of management thought.Management scholars both at home and abroad is summarized the management theory out,reform and innovation of management is particularly important.The management change,just as its name implies is organization according to the change of enviroment inside and outside,timely in the organization and the relationship between elements of adjustment,to adapt to the requirements of the development of the organization's future.Management of innvation,innovation means to break the old order,break the balance of the original,seek s more suitable for the survival and development of organizations environment.

The core of enterprise change is management change, and the success of change management comes from change management. The success rate of change is not one hundred percent, or even lower, often makes a 'change is dead, the same is dead,' the tool. But the pressure of market competition, the frequent updates of technology and the need for their own growth, "change may fail, but certainly failed." So it is more important to know how to change than to know why change and change.

After all, not for the management and management of enterprises, any change management companies must have sufficient internal data and facts, get rid of these facts and data, the management is aware of the possibility of small. Companies often use questionnaires and face to face communication, collect documents, notes, conferences, seminars, etc., to understand the situation.

Organizational change refers to the use of behavioral science and related management methods, the organization of the rights structure, organization size, communication channels, role setting, organization and other organizations, as well as the organization members of the concept, attitude and behavior, members of the The spirit of cooperation between the purpose of the purpose of the system to adjust and innovate to adapt to the organization's internal and external environment, technical characteristics and organizational tasks and other aspects of change, improve organizational effectiveness. The development of enterprises can not be separated from the organizational changes, changes in internal and external environment, the continuous integration of enterprise resources and changes, gave the enterprise has brought opportunities and challenges, which requires enterprises to focus on organizational change.

The meaning of change management: change management that is when the organization grows slowly, internal problems arise, the more unable to cope with the changes in the business environment, companies must make organizational change strategy, the internal level, work processes and corporate culture, the necessary adjustments and Improve management, in order to achieve a smooth business transformation.

In this era of knowledge economy and information technology is booming, organizational change has become a major symbol of the development of contemporary enterprises. Organizational change in a series of changes such as organizational structure, organizational business process system reengineering, modern information system into the middle of the orga