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动物农场案例研究:Stylistic Analysis of George Orwell’s Satirical Style — A Case Study of Animal Farm

日期:2018年01月28日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1367
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201708201206367959 论文字数:969 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
1 Literature review 文献综述

1.1 Satire in literature 讽刺文学
讽刺的是,基本上包括通过讽刺、嘲笑或机智来攻击人类的罪恶或愚蠢。此外,它的使用可以追溯到古希腊文学,讽刺元素在他们的一些戏剧中出现。然而,罗马人被认为是第一位真正的讽刺作家。贺拉斯和尤维纳利斯这个群体突出的代表。乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)是英国最伟大的讽刺者之一,也是第一个实施现代新闻的人之一。
Ironically is basically including through irony, derision, or wit to attack human vice or folly. In addition, its use dates back to ancient Greek literature, which satirical elements are in some of their plays. The Romans, however, is considered the first true satirist. Horace and Juvenal are from prominent representatives of this group. Jonathan Swift is one of the greatest British ironysatire and one of the first to implement modern journalism. Poor parents are delicate to encourage their children to sell as a concept of food characterizes his most famous essay, A Modest Proposal is In the twentieth century, Sinclair Lewis, HL Mencken, and Tom Wolfe used satire to make to the American middle class customs and Huxley and George Orwell to do with it authoritarian rule insightful observation perception comment. Stephen Colbert is a well-known satirical work now. His TV show, the Colbert Report is a satirical way of inspiration. Gary Trudeau, Doonesbury comics his American record crowd of silly, is an influential print satirist. Onions are a very famous news satire website (Rodden,2003). 
具有讽刺意味的是,在传统上被认为是文学的典范和道德目的;讽刺主义者写道:“在公共利益关心中的道德使命感”。显然,具有讽刺意味的是,往往涉及应用伦理学论文相同的特殊伦理问题类型;在18世纪爱尔兰贫困中解决朝鲜的谦虚建议彼得·辛格(Peter Singer)指出,以“饥荒,繁荣,道德”的英语态度,处理第二十三世界贫困的第一世界态度。Ironically traditionally considered to be a model and moral purpose of literature; satirist wrote: "The moral sense of mission in the public interest concerns." 1 Obviously, ironically often involve the same type of special ethical issues in applied ethics papers do ; for example, Jonathan Swift's a Modest Proposal to solve North Korea in the 18th-century Irish poverty Peter Singer pointed to the "famine, prosperity, moral" English attitude to deal with in the twenty-third world poverty the first world attitude. Obviously, ironically often-used parameters and whether it is aimed at persuading the reader or even your criticism is the goal (Dwan, 2012). However, despite this, despite the fact that the impact of Greek philosophy will have a strong kinship between the writer Roman satire and some of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries recognized the golden age of satire and moral philosophy appears, contemporary literary scholars relations seemed reluctant to provide a clear account of ironic analytic philosophy. Philosophy of art especially for the moral axis relationship is very interested in art philosopher (Carter, 1974). It has about the arts contributed to moral education recent discussions: works of art can be a source of moral knowledge, is trivial by the work itself reasonable (Rodden, 2003). There seems no doubt that the movie can explain philosophical claims or raise philosophical issues, but whether the film can be regarded as his philosophical works of considerable debate. Here obvious kinship with the clear moral mission philosophy and satire (especially ironic movies, such as The Great Dictator Dr. Strangelove or: How THE AUTHOR Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb make a natural fit for satire in philosophical discussions. But the relationship between irony and moral philosopher philosophy has not received the attention either (Rodden, 2010).
Clearly, irony is not officially raise these arguments, and, in most cases, part of the argument, not even clear. THE AUTHOR do not claim to have strong arguments of analogy, in the text-hidden irony of whole cloth; THE AUTHOR do not want to claim that ordinary readers faithfully build these parameters as part of the formal general reading experience. What is now clear satirical novel formal statement component half. But ironically also prescribe readers real-world knowledge of their background reading experience, and the use of fiction and background knowledge to complete a moral argument (LEVINSON, 2015)